How To Defrost Chicken In Microwave? (Best Methods & Tips)


How To Defrost Chicken In Microwave – Your Ultimate Guide

When you buy chicken from the grocery store, it often comes frozen, you may not have time to let it thaw slowly in the refrigerator. So, if you don’t have time to thaw them in the refrigerator overnight, how to thaw chicken in microwave? 

Are you looking for an easy way to defrost chicken in the microwave? If so, you’re in luck! This is when knowing how to defrost chicken in microwave can come in handy. This guide will show you some of the best ways to do it quickly and safely.

Whether you’re in a hurry and forgot to take your chicken out to defrost or you just bought a frozen chicken, there are a few methods you can use to defrost chicken in the microwave. Defrosting chicken in the microwave isn’t always the best option available, but if you’re in a hurry then it can be a good way to save time. 

In this blog post, we’ll outline the best methods and tips on How to defrost chicken in microwave. Stay safe and enjoy your meal!

How To Defrost Chicken In Microwave?

Instruction on How to defrost chicken in microwave safely

Microwave ovens can defrost and cook meats relatively quickly, but there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. To ensure your meal is safe and your machine doesn’t get damaged, you should follow specific steps when learning how to defrost chicken in microwave.

Step by step guide on how to thaw chicken in microwave:

Step 1: Prepare the chicken

First, you should prepare the raw chicken. Rinse it under cold running water and dry it with a paper towel. If you’re using marinated chicken, rinse it under cold running water and pat dry to remove excess sauce before microwaving.

Step 2: Wrap in a dishcloth or paper towel

Next, wrap the chicken either in a clean dish cloth or a paper towel before placing it on a microwave-safe plate or dish – this helps absorb extra moisture from the meat as it thaws. Ensure all parts of the bird are exposed to ensure even defrosting.

Step 3: Defrost mode

Afterwards, place your wrapped up piece of meat into your microwave oven and set it to its default defrost mode – usually this is between 30% and 50% power depending on the oven model, but it’s best to check your manual.

Step 4: Keep a close eye

Fourth, keep a close eye on the defrosting chicken. The time required to defrost each piece depends on its weight and thickness, so make sure you check how long it needs before serving.

In general, breasts take around three minutes per 100g while drumsticks require around six minutes per 100g for full defrosting – these times are just ballpark figures though; always follow your manual and use an instant read thermometer as well as visual checks to ensure safe eating.

Step 5: Stop and turn over halfway through

After two or three half-hour periods in your microwave, you should turn or rotate your piece of chicken. This ensures it defrosts evenly, so if you haven’t yet, do this now.

Step 6: Add any extra time for cooking

Finally, if you’re planning on cooking your defrosted chicken further in the oven or on a grill/barbeque, then give yourself some extra time to ensure it’s fully cooked through before serving.

If you’re planning on eating the meat straight away without cooking further, then simply check that it has reached an internal temperature of over 74C – anything below this is unsafe and could make you ill.

Although there is certainly no shortage of ways in which you can learn how to defrost chicken in microwave at home (without putting your health at risk), this method definitely stands above the rest.

Before microwaving, put your poultry onto a plate or dish which has been spritzed with lemon juice or salt water. This will serve to prevent it from drying out during the process!

Additionally, microwaves vary in size and power – always follow manufacturers’ instructions when defrosting meat so you don’t overcook your food. Once done, cook chicken over medium-high heat until all raw juices are gone (or until cooked throughout).

The following table shows recommended temperatures for different types of poultry:

TypeCooking Temperatures
Cooking Temperatures
Turkey Whole bird165 °F74  °C 
Breast170 °F77 °C
Poultry pieces165 °F 74 °C
Chicken Breasts whole147 °F64 °C
Boneless, skinless145 °F63 °C
Chicken Thighs or Legs with skin 167 °F75 °C
Drumsticks or Thighs with bone165 °F74 °C
Ground Chicken160 °F71 °C
Duck Whole bird 185 °F82.5  °C
Poultry pieces180 °F82.2  °C
Quail Whole bird 165 °F77 °C
Poultry pieces 160 °F71 °C
Turkey Ham Whole ham 140 °F 60 °C
Pork Shoulder/Picnic Roast 145-150 °F

How long to defrost chicken in microwave?

Based on the information on How to defrost chicken in microwave, you can safely defrost chicken in microwave ovens by following the steps below.

Here is a detailed guide on how long to defrost chicken in microwave:

Weight W x 3 minutes per 100g

– Chicken Breast (boneless & skinless) – 5 to 8 minutes  

– Chicken Breast (with bone) – 10 to 12 minutes  

– Chicken Drumstick/Leg with bone inside – 10 to 15 minutes  

– Whole Chickens – 18 to 20 minutes

Weight W x 6 minutes per 100g

– Chicken Drumstick/Leg with the bone outside – 20 minutes  

– Pork Loin Chop/Steak – 14 to 17 minutes  

– Pork Tenderloin Steak 1″ thick(Boneless) – 7 to 9.5 minutes

Weight W x 11 minutes per 100g

– Whole Duck – 26 to 29 minutes  

– Goose Breast (Bone-in) – 26 to 30 minutes

Weight W x 14 minutes per 100g

– Whole Turkey 18 lbs or more, Bone In 24 to 28 minutes  

– Whole Turkey 18 lbs or more, Boneless 28 to 32 Minutes  

– Turkey Breast, Bone In 24 Minutes  

– Turkey Breast, Boneless 22 to 28 minutes

The time required to defrost each piece depends on its weight and thickness – breasts take around 3 minutes per 100g while drumsticks require around 6 minutes per 100g for full defrosting – these times are just ballpark figures though; always follow your manual and use an instant-read thermometer as well as visual checks to ensure safe eating.

How To Defrost Chicken In Microwave Without A Defrost Button?

If you do not have a microwave with defrost button, you can simply use the following steps on how to defrost chicken in microwave without a defrost button:

Method 1:

1. Place frozen meat on a microwavable dish that allows for circulation. Arrange so that any juice from thawing poultry can drain away and place in the center of the oven;

2. Turn on your oven at minimum power and let it remain there for 15 minutes or so – this will ensure that the temperature throughout will be uniform and safe;

3. As soon as the time is up, check whether your meat is completely thawed out by poking it gently near the bones – if juices run clear, then go ahead and cook as desired;

4. If you’re cooking something like a whole chicken, check the temperature of the inside thighs and wings – if they’re up to temperature then you can remove them from the oven;

5. If the center is still partially frozen, return it back into your oven and let it continue to thaw for another 10 minutes or so before checking again. Repeat this process until your meat is completely thawed out and ready for cooking as desired!

Method 2:

The best way to defrost chicken in a microwave without a defrost button is by using the microwave’s carousel. Carousels are used in some models of microwaves and most often rotate with food items cooking or heating at different speeds; this allows them to cook evenly throughout their cycle.

However, it also means that they can be used for rotating frozen foods around inside the oven while they thaw out (no need for an external rotisserie) which is just as effective at reducing your cooking times when combined with regular heat sources.

To use your carousel to defrost chicken, simply place it on top of the rotating platform and rotate it every two to three minutes until your meat is fully defrosted.

Now you have known two guides on how to defrost chicken in microwave without a defrost button. Simply follow instructions for your model of microwave to ensure safe eating!

How To Defrost Chicken Breast In Microwave

If you are wondering how to defrost chicken breast in microwave, the following methods should help:

1. Place your frozen meat on a microwavable dish that allows for circulation;

2. Arrange so that any juice from thawing poultry can drain away and place it in the center of your oven;

3. Turn on your oven at minimum power and let it remain there for 15 minutes or so – this will ensure that the temperature throughout is uniformed and safe;

4. As soon as time is up, check whether your meat is completely thawed out by poking it gently near its bones – if juices run clear, then go ahead and cook as desired;

There are several ways to defrost chicken breast. However, while some methods may be faster than others, they can be very time-consuming and difficult for inexperienced cooks due to the fact that poultry is composed of thin pieces which dry out pretty quickly when microwaved; this means their surfaces can easily get burned without cooking properly on the inside! This often leaves users feeling disappointed with their finished product.

However, there are a variety of tricks you can use to help your meat stay moist and evenly cooked throughout its duration in the microwave including:

1. Placing your chicken breast between two sheets of cling wrap before placing them inside your oven;

2. Spritzing them with lemon juice or salt water (to avoid drying out your meat) to keep it moist and tender;

3. And if you’re really looking for a way to defrost poultry quickly, consider making a small incision to the largest part of the chicken breast before microwaving – doing so will allow for more even heating throughout its thickness!

Regardless of which method you decide on, make sure you do not leave your chicken in the microwave any longer than is necessary (following standard cooking guidelines only!) as this can give bacteria enough time to form inside without properly cooking through.

How To Defrost A Whole Chicken In Microwave

Now that you know how to thaw chicken in microwave, it’s time to learn how to go about defrosting a whole chicken.

If you are wondering how to defrost a whole chicken in the microwave, the following method will definitely come in handy:

1. Place your thawed poultry on its back (breast side up) with legs pointing upward;

2. Place into your oven at minimum power and wait for 5-10 minutes or until its surface is completely dry;

3. Flip onto one side and continue microwaving for another 10-15 minutes (or longer depending on your model of oven);

4. Turn it back over onto its back again;

5. Flip it onto one side and continue microwaving for another 4-6 minutes;

6. Finally, turn it over once more and leave to rest for 1 minute or so before carving.

The above method is perfect if you want to defrost a whole chicken as quickly as possible as it can be done within about half an hour – but you will need to take care not to overcook your meat as this may lead to its bones becoming soft enough that they pose a choking hazard.

Remember: Never surge defrost times simply because the microwave you are using does not have a ‘defrost by weight’ setting on it! This is due to the fact that there are certain safety risks associated with thawing poultry when doing so in less time than it takes to cook in the oven.

How To Defrost Chicken Nuggets In Microwave

If you are wondering how to defrost chicken nuggets in the microwave, there is no reason to worry as long as you avoid doing so on full power.

There are several methods that can be used to defrost chicken nuggets in the microwave including:

1. Using a bowl that contains water and placing it inside your microwave;

2. Cooking at minimum power for around 7-10 minutes;

3. Taking out, giving them a good stir and continuing microwaving for another 2-5 minutes (or until they’re ready);

4. If you try this method, make sure that once your food is cooked through (i.e., when its juices run clear) you only leave it resting in your microwave for a few seconds at most before serving it up to yourself or any dinner guests.

Remember: As with defrosting other meats in the oven, never surge cooking times simply because your microwave doesn’t have a ‘defrost by weight’ setting on it! Doing so poses safety risks and can increase the chances of bacterial growth.

Other Things Related To How To Defrost Chicken In Microwave

Why do you need to defrost chicken before cooking?

You already know how to defrost chicken in microwave and how long to defrost chicken in microwave, but why you need to defrost chicken before cooking?

For starters, cooking frozen meat can lead to uneven cooking throughout the piece. Moreover, if you’re planning on cooking your meat in a frying pan or oven straight from the freezer, then it will likely start to cook outside before the inside has properly thawed out causing it to form ice crystals that are unsafe for eating.

Finally, smaller bones can begin breaking during microwaving which not only creates sharp fragments of bone but also releases marrow into your food creating a health hazard.

We all know that any raw poultry must be handled carefully. That’s why it’s important to follow food safety guidelines when defrosting meat, including chicken.

While some sources suggest you can simply rinse your chicken in tap water before cooking, this is not advisable due to the risk of contamination; instead, make sure your defrosted chicken has reached an internal temperature of at least 74C (the higher the better) before eating it.

What You Need To Know About Defrosting Chicken In Microwave

It’s safe to say that microwaves have made kitchen life much easier for people all around the world. But do you know how to defrost chicken in microwave? If not, here is everything you need to know:

1) When defrosting foods in the microwave, always follow your appliance’s standard instructions. This way you will avoid causing damage or injury; 

2) There are several ways in which poultry can be defrosted in a matter of minutes including: cooking it at minimum power, freezing it first and microwaving for a few minutes or submerging it in cold water; 

3) NEVER surge cooking times – this is the number one cause of food poisoning. If unsure about how long to defrost foods for, leave them be and end up cooking them properly (if not at all); 

4) The best time to defrost meat is overnight; 

5) Most microwaves have ‘defrost by weight‘ settings which can help cut down on cooking times; 

6) Make sure you keep an eye on your poultry throughout the defrosting process as underdone chicken is often high in bacterial activity. It should never smell ‘off’, look grey or pink and if it does, don’t eat it; 

7) If you are in a rush or simply can’t risk using your oven/microwave, place the poultry on its edge in an airtight container and cover with wax paper before placing in the freezer. It should be defrosted within 24 hours; 

8) Allow thawed poultry to rest for at least 10 minutes after microwaving before cooking it further. This will offset any unevenness inside.

9) Defrosting food at room temperature is never safe as bacteria won’t die when desserts are left out of the fridge. Always keep food refrigerated until you’re ready to use it; 

10) Do not cook chicken straight from the freezer – this only increases bacterial activity; 

11) When cooking poultry, remember to pierce it first so that steam escapes. Also make sure you cover the cavity with foil or butter paper; 

12) Finally, never cook meats straight from the freezer – give them time to defrost properly first!

That’s all there really is to know how to thaw chicken in microwave and how long to defrost chicken in microwave! If looking for even more useful tips and tricks, why not continue reading below?

Tips To Defrost Chicken In Microwave Safely & Quickly

Now that you know how to defrost chicken in microwave, it’s time to learn some tips on how to go about doing so safely and quickly.

To defrost chicken in the microwave as fast as possible (without compromising your health), make sure you use the following techniques which will help avoid any risk of bacterial growth:

1) The thicker the item being defrosted, the more time it will take;

2) As microwaves vary in size (and power), always follow manufacturers’ instructions when defrosting poultry;

3) You can use certain foods to defrost meat quicker by separating it into portions and using them as ‘shields’ against microwaves;

4) Never try to cook poultry at high settings (i.e., max) if you want to cut down on cooking times – this will only lead to spoilage or bacterial growth;

5) If you are not sure how long your kitchen appliance takes to defrost food properly, make sure you test out its capabilities beforehand!

6) Find out if there are any pink spots on your meat – this could be a sign of bacterial growth; 

7) If possible, avoid opening the door when microwaving – every time you do so, it adds more heat inside; 

8) Place food in separate dishes (to avoid mixing juices) when microwaving different types of meats at once.

9) Defrosting food at room temperature is never safe;

10) Never surge cooking times – either cut thick pieces of poultry into smaller ones or trim off excess fat before microwaving;

11) Place thawed poultry onto a dish which contains enough water for it to be submerged during microwaving;

12) Spritz with lemon juice or salt water once every 10 minutes during microwaving (especially if using the oven);

13) Always defrost food in a bowl and cover to stop it from drying out;

14) Finally, make sure you cook and serve your poultry immediately once it is done or place it in a hot dish or straight into your cooking pot.

That’s all there really is to know how to thaw chicken in microwave! If looking for even more useful tips and tricks, why not go over to our homepage today?

Alternative Methods To Defrost Chicken In Microwave

Defrosting chicken in water 

Defrosting chicken in water (or any other liquid) is widely considered to be the best way to go about it. Broth, rice water or even soda pop (such as cola) can also be used to defrost poultry quickly and easily.

Here are some alternative methods of how to defrost chicken that may not be as efficient (but definitely still work well).

1) Allow thawed meat to sit out until lukewarm;

2) Do away with the microwave altogether – instead, place covered bowl inside a larger bowl which contains hot water;

3) Remove frozen poultry from its packaging and submerge it in cool or lukewarm water for thirty minutes. Once done, pat dry with paper towels before cooking;

4) Remember to never refreeze thawed meat again afterwards – defrost in the fridge for no more than two days before cooking;

5) If you don’t want to use water, try using a microwave-safe dish covered with plastic wrap or wax paper.

These are some alternative methods on how to defrost chicken in microwave.

Defrosting in the fridge 

Simply put, defrosting meat in the fridge is not a good idea unless you have been freezing it for at least four days. This also applies to other types of poultry such as turkey and duck. The reason for this is that while it might take longer, placing food in the refrigerator can actually cause certain bacteria to start multiplying!

This being said, if you have accidentally bought thawed chicken but have no other choice, here’s how to defrost chicken in the fridge safely:

1) Take out your item from its packaging;

2) Place on a dish which contains enough water for it to be submerged during microwaving;

3) Cover with aluminium foil or plastic wrap (and keep covered until ready);

4) Allow to defrost for eighteen hours or until completely thawed before cooking it. This will ensure that your poultry is properly cooked and safe to eat.

This is how to defrost chicken in the fridge safely and effectively.

FAQs on How To Defrost Chicken In Microwave

Is it safe to defrost chicken in the microwave?
Yes, you can defrost chicken in the microwave, but it’s important to know that this isn’t always the best choice. Microwaving food is fast but may not be the safest option available. While microwaving speeds things up, it also creates “hot spots” on some types of food, which can cause dangerous bacteria to grow more rapidly.
Can you freeze chicken that has been defrosted in the microwave?
We would never recommend it.

Freezing and defrosting chicken will compromise its texture and taste, as well as increase the risk of bacterial growth.

It is far better to cook your poultry immediately after microwaving – just follow our tips above for how long to microwave it.
What happens when you try defrosting chicken in microwave for a long time?
If you defrost chicken in the microwave for too long, it will become dry and rubbery. The meat will also lose its colour and any added flavours will be diminished.
How long will it take to defrost a whole chicken in microwave?
As a rule of thumb, allow approximately five hours for a whole chicken to defrost in the microwave. This is only an estimate, though – check our tips above on how to tell when your poultry is properly cooked through!
Is it OK to cook chicken not fully defrosted?
No, you need to be careful when cooking chicken not fully defrosted. While it may seem like a good option to save time, this can cause bacteria to grow inside the poultry once it’s been cooked – which increases the risk of food poisoning.

This will increase the risk of bacteria increasing inside your poultry and may cause food poisoning or other health conditions! It is important that any poultry meat is fully defrosted before cooking through – otherwise bacteria inside the food may remain uncooked and could make you ill.

We recommend microwaving your chicken just long enough so that it is no longer frozen on the outside (or use one of our alternative methods). Then cook as usual.
Is it bad to over defrost chicken?
Yes, it is bad to over defrost chicken. Bacteria will start to grow and multiply if the poultry is allowed to thaw for too long. 

Defrosting and refreezing can cause bacteria such as E. coli to spread inside the food which can lead to serious health problems. If you have accidentally forgotten about your food in the fridge, this can be a dangerous mistake!
What happens if you defrost chicken in the microwave and it starts to cook?
If you defrost chicken in the microwave without checking it is not cooking, or if it accidentally starts to cook during microwaving, this can cause bacteria to multiply rapidly inside the food.

The outside will cook very quickly and can lead to bacterial growth inside – which increases the risk of food poisoning! This will make your poultry unsafe to eat and may increase your risk of falling ill with food poisoning.

As before, we recommend following our tips above to ensure you cook your chicken thoroughly through. 
How long can you keep defrosted chicken in fridge?
Once you have defrosted chicken in the refrigerator, you should not keep it there for more than one day. If it has been kept there longer than this, please discard it as salmonella may start growing inside the poultry! 

It’s also important that all food be handled safely after being thawed out before cooking. Any juices from the thawed out chicken should not come into contact with other foods as this can cause cross contamination.
How can you defrost chicken quickly without a microwave?
There are a few ways to defrost your poultry quickly without using a microwave. You can put it in lukewarm water, which will bring the temperature of the chicken down much more quickly – allowing you to cook it sooner!

Alternately, you can place it in the fridge to defrost slowly. If you do this, be sure to cook your chicken within 24 hours of thawing.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to cooking frozen chicken, there are many different methods and tips that can be used. However, microwaving is one of the most common ways to defrost poultry quickly. It takes about three minutes for a three-pound package of meat in the microwave at full power on high or six minutes if you use medium power. 

You should never cook your food straight from the freezer as this increases risk for bacterial growth that could lead to illness later down the line! So don’t forget these important steps on How to thaw chicken in microwave before preparing your meal with thawed out chicken – you should always remember to defrost your chicken properly in the microwave. If not done correctly, there is a risk of bacterial growth and salmonella poisoning.

If you’re in a hurry and need to defrost your chicken, it’s best to use the microwave. The article provided some helpful tips on how long to cook each piece of meat for time different sizes which is important when using this method.

Overall, microwaving is an effective way to quickly thaw out frozen food without any fuss. Have you tried cooking chicken in the microwave? Let us know what methods have worked for you or if there are other alternatives that might work better!

I hope that this article has been helpful in providing you with information on how to defrost chicken in microwave.

Further reading

12 Best Microwave Air Fryer Combo In 2022

Top 9 Best Retro Microwave In 2022

Can You Microwave Paper Plate?

How To Defrost Ground Turkey In Microwave?

Reheat Bacon In Microwave