A guide to help you decide how many Papa John’s pizzas you should order for your next party or gathering.
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Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world. When it comes to pizza, there are a lot of different ways that you can order it. You can get it with different toppings, different crusts, and even different sizes. One of the most popular pizza places is Papa John’s. Papa John’s is a pizza chain that has locations all over the world.
When you’re trying to decide how many Papa John’s pizzas to order, there are a few things that you need to take into consideration. The first thing is how many people you’re feeding. If you’re having a party or get-together, you’re going to want to make sure that you have enough pizza for everyone. The next thing you need to take into consideration is how hungry everyone is. If you have a lot of young children, they’re probably not going to eat as much as adults.
You also need to think about what else you’re serving. If you’re serving appetizers, salads, and desserts, then you might not need as much pizza as if you’re just serving pizza. Another thing to think about is how long your event is going to last. If it’s just a couple of hours, then you might not need as much pizza as if it’s an all-day event.
Once you’ve considered all of these things, you should have a good idea of how many pizzas you need to order. One way to make sure that you have enough pizzas is to order one per person. This way, everyone will be able to have at least one slice and there will be some leftovers for anyone who wants seconds or thirds. Another way to do it is by ordering two pizzas per person if you know that everyone will be really hungry or if it’s an all-day event.
No matter how many pizzas you end up ordering, Papa John’s has a variety of delicious pizzas that will satisfy everyone at your event!
The Method
While it may seem like a difficult question, there is a method to finding out how many Papa John’s pizzas you should order. The first step is to decide how many people you are feeding. Once you have done that, you need to decide how much each person is willing to eat. A good rule of thumb is to allow for two slices per person, but this will obviously vary depending on the size of the slices and the appetites of those eating them.
Once you have an idea of how much pizza each person will eat, you need to take into account any other food that will be served. If there are other main dishes or sides, then you may not need to order as much pizza. However, if there are only snacks or desserts, then you will probably need to order more pizza.
Finally, you need to decide what kind of pizza you want. Papa John’s offers several different types of pizza, so think about which ones everyone would like the most. Once you have considered all of these factors, it should be fairly easy to determine how many Papa John’s pizzas you need to order.

The Results
In order to answer the question of how many Papa John’s pizzas one should order, we first must understand the customer. The customer, in this case, is someone who is hosting a party and has decided to order Papa John’s pizzas for the event. This customer has not specified how many people will be attending the party, but we can assume that they are expecting at least ten people. With this in mind, we can say that the customer should order at least two large pizzas or three medium pizzas.
The Conclusion
It really depends on how many people you are feeding and how much everyone likes to eat. A good rule of thumb is to order one pizza per person, but if you have big eaters or want leftovers, order two pizzas per person.