What Is Brick Oven Pizza – 6 Brick Oven Pizza Recipes

Have you ever had pizza cooked in a wood-fired oven? If not, then imagine the smell of burning wood giving way to freshly baked dough. As soon as that aroma hits your nose and mouth all at once it’s hard not get excited about what’s coming next – maybe even more than the delicious taste!

Nowadays people tendant cook with brick OVEN or regular home cooking equipment but there was originally no such thing when this meal arrived from Italy centuries ago. It became one our most loved foods because its crispy texture made us feel like children again whenever we took down another slice.

If you’re not familiar with wood fired pizza, it might be hard to understand what is brick oven pizza. You’ll quickly realize that these two terms refer to the same thing and both describe a type of pie cooked in an oven made from bricks instead of gas or electric ranges like most Americans use for cooking food at home nowadays.


Brick oven pizza is a traditional dish that has been around for many years. It’s considered to be one of the best types of pizzas because it was originally made in brick-ovens and cooked at high temperatures, which creates an incredibly crispy crust.

Do you know what is brick oven pizza? A Brick oven pizza can be made from dough, tomato sauce and cheese. The best part about it is that the crust has a nice char on the bottom of it, which means it gets crispy as well as chewy. This article will cover everything you need to know about brick oven pizza. We’ll tell you what it is, the history of brick ovens and provide a list of 6 recipes for this delicious food. Why not give it a try next time you’re in the kitchen?

What Is Brick Oven Pizza

The History Of Brick Oven Pizza

To know what is brick oven pizza, we will first learn the history of brick oven pizza, where it originated and how it is loved.

Wood fired pizza is a specialty of the Napa Valley and has been attributed to brick ovens. In these pizzas, wood chips are burnt adding flavor sauces that seep into dough as it cooks giving it an authentic taste not found anywhere else in California!

The word “brick” could be misleading because many people associate bricks with buildings but there’s actually no link between structures made from this material whatsoever – instead they refer exclusively towards how food gets cooked over high heat without use of aluminum pans or other metal surfaces which can cause potentially harmful reactions if not properly looked after.

Did you know that the brick oven is actually rumored to have been invented by early Roman soldiers who were displaced during war and began working as bakers?

They used fire-heated bricks from destroyed homes or buildings as an improvised oven which helped them make some tasty food for their families and friends. With such a history serving as the basis for this famous food item we’re surprised that no one has thought of it sooner!

Brick oven pizza is an extremely popular dish that comes from Naples, Italy. This style of cooking was brought to the United States by Italian settlers who came to North America with dreams of starting new lives outside their home country.

The first pizzeria in the United States opened its doors in 1905 and has since inspired the pizza industry throughout America.

To clarify, you could even use a brick oven made from concrete to cook pizzas in the same way that much older recipes are done!

The result would be virtually indistinguishable because it’s all about getting this type of equipment hot enough before adding your favorite toppings and letting them bake slowly over time until they’re ready to eat.

What Is Brick Oven Pizza

What is brick oven pizza? Brick oven pizza is a type of traditional Italian-style pizza that has been baked in an oven built from bricks, hence the name.

The fire and smoke produced by burning hardwood fuel creates a unique flavor profile for the crust, known as “terroir” to connoisseurs. Some consider this method of cooking to be superior because it can produce extremely crisp crusts while still leaving doughy pockets within the structure of the pie itself.

Because there are no automated conveyor belt systems used in brick oven pizzerias and everything is done by hand, each individual pie takes several minutes to make and bake – but many would argue that’s precisely why it tastes so good! 

Brick oven pizza is a great food option for people who love crispy crusts but still want their cheesy goodness on top of them!

The mouthwatering taste comes from special brick ovens that can reach very high temperatures in order to cook your meal quickly before keeping all the toppings melted and tasty. If you haven’t had brick oven pizza, you’re missing out on a very tasty experience!

Some people may wonder: what is brick oven pizza? Brick oven pizzas are a delicious Italian dish made from a special type of oven that cooks the crust to absolute perfection and keeps the toppings tasting fresh.

The best part about brick oven pizzas is that they can be made with tons of different kinds of toppings so you’re always going to have a new experience every time you try something new!

What Is In Brick Oven Pizza

Ingredients for brick oven pizzas vary between restaurants! You can find everything from vegetarian options to meaty flavors like bacon, pepperoni, and sausage. The only way to find out what you like is to try different kinds of pizza at your favorite restaurant or try making it yourself.

Brick oven pizzas typically use mozzarella cheese, but they can also be made with different kinds of cheeses like ricotta and gorgonzola. You can add anything you want to your pizza including basil leaves, mushrooms, olives, and more!

What Makes Brick Oven Pizza Different

Why is it different than other pizzas

Brick oven pizza is a popular food in the United States. A brick oven is primarily used to cook pizzas, but it can also be used to make other kinds of foods such as calzones and breads.

A traditional Italian brick oven reaches temperatures between 500 degrees Fahrenheit and 900 degrees Fahrenheit which cooks the crust perfectly every time.

Brick oven pizzas are a great option for anyone who is looking to eat healthier or wants to try something new with their pizza. Brick ovens cook the pizza at 800 degrees Fahrenheit, which allows them to cook very quickly and lock in all of the flavors.

The heat from brick ovens cooks your pizza so that you get all of the delicious flavors without any oil, grease, or fat that can come from regular cooking methods. If you’re not sure what type of toppings you want on your next pie then check out some options below!

Now, you know what is brick oven pizza, so what makes it so special?

Brick oven pizzas are different from other kinds of pizzas because they typically have thick crusts due to thicker dough used as well as crispy crusts because of how quickly they cook at such high temperatures.

They’re also crunchier than other kinds of pizza. You can find delicious brick oven-style pizzas in many different restaurants with their own unique flavors and styles so it’s up to you to find your favorite!

The quality of a restaurant’s brick oven pizza can be the difference between an average meal and one you will never forget.

Brick oven pizza is cooked in a brick or stone-lined cavity that gives it its name, but there are many factors that go into making this type of pizza so special.

The crust is crisp on the outside but soft and chewy on the inside, while toppings like mushrooms and artichoke hearts add texture to every bite. This is what makes brick oven pizza so amazing!

If you haven’t heard of brick oven pizza before, then you should try it. Sure, you must say that what is brick oven pizza, why you have never known it before and how it tastes so amazing.

How does it taste compared to other pizzas

Brick oven pizza is different than gas or electric ovens in a few specific ways:

1) Perfect crust: A brick oven is the perfect environment for keeping your pie dough crispy and crunchy. The moisture on top evaporates quickly, so you don’t have to worry about soggy toppings or cheese.

Because of how fast these pies are cooked at high temperatures, they also seal-in all their juices which prevents an underlying layer from becoming mushy or unable support its toppings well enough without getting soggy too soon after coming out of heat source.

Plus, if there was any left over liquid before baking then it would evaporate during cooking process into nothing more than steam!

2) Smoky flavor: A true brick oven pizza tastes like smoked wood. The flavor is best captured when the pie cooks quickly using heat generated by burning it, but gas or electric ovens just can’t do that same thing!

3) Healthier with toppings: The best pizza is cooked in a brick oven. With the toppings cooked so fast, you can enjoy more of your vegetables and less greasy cheese without sacrificing on flavor!

One of the most important factors in maintaining healthy vegetables is how they are prepared.

Vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients can be lost when food cooks at high temperatures for too long so this means it’s best not to cook them at all but rather use a brick oven which shortens cooking time by as much 25%.

A Brick Oven’s extreme heat will allow you get crispier toppings than other types because we let our dish sizzle while still staying inside safe numbers like 350° degrees Fahrenheit. Using a Brick Oven Pizza, you will feel healthier!

These are the things that make brick oven pizza different from others, even those who do not know what is brick oven pizza, when trying it for the first time,are satisfied with what it brings.

Brick oven pizza is a spicy and buttery Italian dish that uses the brick-lined oven to help make it crispy. This type of food can be pretty time consuming because these pizzas are baked at very high temperatures for relatively short amounts of time, but they’re definitely worth the wait!

Taste is completely subjective and will vary from person to person. Everyone has different tastes in pizza toppings and preferences, so it’s impossible for anyone else to say what type of pizza tastes better than another. All that we can say is that brick oven pizzas are the best!

Brick Oven Pizza Reviews

There are many types of pizzas out there, but only brick oven pizza is made in a brick lined oven!

This means that all the ingredients will cook quickly without getting too greasy. There is no other way to get more flavor than making it yourself at home or going to your favorite restaurant for this type of pizza.

Brick oven pizzas are special because they use dough and toppings baked inside a real brick lined oven, like the ones at Bricks Wood Fired Pizza. It’s one of the only ways to make such an amazing dish with such incredible flavors using authentic Italian techniques.

All of these toppings can be found on most brick oven pizzas, but only at places that serve them fresh from a brick lined oven! Most other restaurants use frozen ingredients or pre-packaged ingredients from large food distributors so they never taste quite as good.

The dough is one of the most crucial aspects of making brick oven pizza because it goes right on top of the bricks before any of your toppings or sauce go on top! Depending on how high quality the dough is, it can make or break the overall flavor of your pizza.

Cheese lovers rejoice because this type of pizza has no problem toasting up all the cheese on top. The high temperatures make it so that every bite pulls perfectly with the right amounts of stringy cheese or gooey sauce. There is usually a lot more flavor than usual for this reason too.

Health fans should love the fact that there are not any deep dish options available at Brick Oven Pizzas restaurants because those have a ton of grease from being cooked in a deep dish pan for such a long time. Deep dish pizzas will definitely give you much more saturated flavors, but they’re much worse for your overall health too!

Brick oven pizzas are a great way to get between two people because they usually cut the pizza into smaller slices. This allows you pick and choose what you want to eat while also enjoying several different flavors in one meal.

Plus, you don’t have to worry about the grease because these pizzas are baked for a much shorter amount of time.

Don’t settle for low quality pizzas that sacrifice flavor and health when you can go to Brick Oven Pizzas restaurants that use fresh ingredients every day! Their menu items are all made in house with recipes that have been perfected over generations. These brick oven pizzas are unlike anything else out there!!

Recipes For Homemade Brick Oven Pizzas

In order to make a great pizza, you need the right ingredients and the proper way of cooking it. Pizza dough is made from flour, yeast, salt and water.

The yeast should be proofed first in warm water before adding any other ingredients. Once the dough rises once or twice, it can be formed into balls which can then be flattened out by hand or with a rolling pin until they are about ¼ inch thick.

Then they should go onto baking sheets that have been greased lightly with olive oil so that they will slide off easily after being topped with sauce and cheese.

When making a brick oven pizza, you won’t need to use the pre-baking methods that are usually done with other types of pizzas. Instead, you will need to put them directly into the brick oven for baking.

This allows the dough to finish cooking all the way through without burning or overcooking it. Once they come out of the oven, all that is left before eating them is to add your favorite toppings and enjoy!

When you make your own brick oven pizza at home you can control exactly what’s in it (and not!). That means less preservatives and chemicals, but don’t worry – homemade pizzas taste even better because you take the time to make them completely from scratch.

By making your own brick oven pizza at home you also save yourself a ton of money since restaurant prices can rack up very quickly.

Now you can answer the question what is brick oven pizza, what is it about so many people can’t resist. If you’d like to give these recipes a try but don’t have a brick oven pizza at home, check our all of our pizza recipes for other alternatives!

#1 Brick Oven Recipes – Miniature Pizza Recipe

Serving: 2


  • 1 package refrigerated crescent rolls (8 pieces as per pack),
  • Shredded mozzarella cheese as needed depending on how many individual mini-pizzas you want to make,
  • Olive oil as needed for brushing,
  • Spaghetti sauce of your choice as needed,
  • Any desired toppings that you would like to add such as meats or more vegetables.


1. Preheat the oven according to package instructions (should be around 375 degrees Fahrenheit).

2. Lightly grease two cookie sheets with olive oil. Unroll the crescent rolls and separate them so that you have 8 individual rectangles and non-overlapping triangles.

You should also pre-cut these into squares or rectangles so that they fit on top of a cupcake without much overlap if using for a recipe such as this one.

3. Arrange each rectangle onto the greased baking sheet as shown in the picture below and bake according to package instructions or until they are golden brown. You can also toast them lightly if you want a crisper, crunchier base for your pizza to build on top of.

4. Remove from oven and let cool slightly before placing spaghetti sauce onto each base as desired. Then sprinkle with cheese as desired to make the “sauce” spreadable without making it too heavy or thick since there is no pre-baking step for this type of pizza.

Add any other toppings that you would like such as meats or vegetables and then return them to the oven until they are heated through and the cheese has melted completely (usually around 10 minutes but may vary depending on how many pizzas you have in the oven).

#2 Brick Oven Recipes – Stuffed Pizza Recipe

Serving: 4


  • 1 (8 ounce) package refrigerated crescent rolls,
  • 8 ounces mozzarella cheese as needed,
  • Tomato sauce of your choice as needed,
  • Any desired toppings such as meats or vegetables


1. Preheat the oven according to package instructions (should be around 375 degrees Fahrenheit).

2. Lightly grease a baking sheet with olive oil and arrange the crescent rolls into 2 rows of overlapping circles so that they form a rectangle that is about 9×11 inches. This will result in a thin crust which is what makes this type of pizza very delicious!

Press them together gently so that they stick together before spreading tomato sauce on top for the sauce layer.

3. Spread the sauce over the pastry dough and arrange the cheese on top of it as desired.

Add any other toppings that you would like such as meats or vegetables and then bake according to package instructions (should be around 10 minutes but may vary depending on how many pizzas you have in the oven).

4. Once cooked, remove from oven and let cool slightly before serving hot.

5. Serve with additional spaghetti sauce if desired for dipping along with any additional toppings such as oregano or red pepper flakes (optional). Enjoy!

#3 Brick Oven Recipes – Thin Crust Pizza Recipe

Serving: 2


  • 1/2 cup olive oil,
  • 2 teaspoons dried oregano,
  • 3/8 teaspoon garlic powder,
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic,
  • 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning, salt and pepper as needed


1. Whisk together the olive oil, oregano, garlic powder, garlic, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper in a small bowl until well combined.

Then brush a thin layer of this mixture onto your pizza dough using either a pastry brush or your fingers if you prefer to “paint” it on using your hands instead.

2. Once the dough has been brushed with this mixture, place it onto a clean baking sheet or stone that has been preheated according to package instructions (baking stone should be placed in cold oven before adding dough to ensure even cooking).

Bake for around 8-10 minutes depending on how browned you would like the crust to become before adding your toppings.

3. Once the crust has been pre-baked, remove it from the oven and add any desired toppings such as spaghetti sauce or pesto (optional) as well as cheese (add as much as desired before returning to oven).

Return to the oven and bake for around 8-10 minutes more depending on how browned you would like your pizza to become.

You can also broil for a few minutes at the end of cooking if you want additional browning but watch carefully so that they do not burn and remove them immediately once done!

4. Remove from oven and let cool slightly before serving with additional marinara or pesto sauce if using along with any additional toppings such as oregano or red pepper flakes (optional). Enjoy!

#4 Brick Oven Pizza Recipes – Traditional Pie Recipe

Serving: 1


  • Marinara sauce of your choice as needed,
  • Cheese of your choice as needed,
  • Any desired toppings such as meats or vegetables


1. Preheat the oven according to package instructions (should be around 375 degrees Fahrenheit).

2. Once preheated, brush a thin layer of marinara sauce over the dough using either a pastry brush or your fingers if you prefer to “paint” it on using your hands instead.

3. Then layer on the cheese and other toppings that you would like such as meats or vegetables making sure to spread them evenly across the surface of the pizza.

4. Bake for around 8-10 minutes or until the cheese has melted and crust is crunchy. Once cooked, remove from oven and let cool slightly before serving hot.

5. Serve with additional spaghetti sauce if desired for dipping along with any additional toppings such as oregano or red pepper flakes (optional). Enjoy!

#5 Brick Oven Pizza Recipes – Chicago Style Recipe

Serving: 1


  • 2 cups marinara sauce of your choice,
  • 3 cups mozzarella cheese,
  • 1 cup Parmesan cheese,
  • Any desired toppings such as meats or vegetables


1. Preheat the oven according to package instructions (should be around 375 degrees Fahrenheit). Then grease ax13 inch baking dish with butter or oil.

2. Spread 1 cup of marinara sauce evenly across the bottom of the greased baking dish (you may need more depending on your preference). Then cover with mozzarella cheese (using as much as desired before covering with Parmesan cheese.

3. Top with additional toppings that you would like such as meats or vegetables making sure to spread them evenly across the surface of the pizza. Finally, top off with remaining 1 cup of Parmesan cheese (again using as much as desired).

4. Bake for around 8-10 minutes until the cheese has melted and crust is crunchy. Once cooked, remove from oven and let cool slightly before serving hot.

Serve with additional spaghetti sauce if desired for dipping along with any additional toppings such as oregano or red pepper flakes (optional). Enjoy!

#6 Brick Oven Pizza Recipes – Stuffed Crust Variation

Serving: 1


  • 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese,
  • 2 cups marinara sauce of your choice,
  • 3-4 leaves fresh basil,
  • 1 cup mozzarella cheese, any desired toppings such as meats or vegetables


1. Preheat the oven according to package instructions (should be around 375 degrees Fahrenheit). Then grease ax13 inch baking dish with butter or oil.

2. Spread marinara sauce evenly across the bottom of the greased baking dish (you may need more depending on your preference). Sprinkle Parmesan cheese across the top of the sauce making sure to cover it completely.

3. Lay the basil leaves across the top of the sauce before sprinkling mozzarella cheese (using as much as desired) on top.

Finally, sprinkle with additional toppings that you would like such as meats or vegetables making sure to spread them evenly across the surface of the pizza.

4. Bake for around 8-10 minutes until the cheese has melted and crust is crunchy. Once cooked, remove from oven and let cool slightly before serving hot.

Serve with additional spaghetti sauce if desired for dipping along with any additional toppings such as oregano or red pepper flakes (optional). Enjoy!

These recipes will have you making delicious pizzas in no time! It doesn’t matter what type of crust you like or if you prefer red sauce or white sauce (or both!) – there’s something for everyone inside this cookbook.

Now it’s your turn! Get started on the perfect meal tonight by downloading our free recipe book today!

FAQs about What Is Brick Oven Pizza

Why is brick oven pizza so expensive?

Brick oven pizzas are typically more expensive than other kinds of pizza because it’s a totally different level of quality. Brick oven pizzas are made fresh, with the highest-quality ingredients, and an expert chef that knows how to bake the perfect pizza every time.

The best kind of brick oven pizzas take hours to make but are completely worth it when you’re talking about taste!

Where can you buy it?

There are many places where you can buy brick oven pizzas! You can find them in restaurants near you or order online if your favorite place doesn’t deliver to your area. If you want to make sure get exactly what you like then it’s best to make it yourself at home.

Although brick oven pizzas are extremely delicious and satisfying we do not encourage you to eat any more than 1-2 slices per day as they’re usually made with very rich ingredients like meat and cheese! 

Is it worth the price tag?

Of course! Brick oven pizzas are so delicious and full of flavor that any price would be worth it. They’re also made with fresh, high-quality ingredients so they’re way more nutritious than most other kinds of pizza!

Are brick oven pizzas healthy?

Brick oven pizzas are very nutritional but they’re usually made with rich ingredients so it’s important to eat in moderation. We do not recommend you have more than 2 slices per day.

What are the benefits of brick oven pizzas?

Brick oven pizzas are very high in quality and full of flavor, which makes them extremely delicious! They also tend to be healthier than other kinds of pizza because they’re typically made with fresh veggies and meats!

Why is the crust so crunchy and good?

The reason why brick oven pizzas have such a unique, delicious flavor is because they’re baked inside a brick oven. This type of oven has really high temperature levels that help cook the food faster but also keep it extremely flavorful! The bread gets perfectly crispy on the outside while remaining soft on the inside.

What are some ingredients used in making brick oven pizza?

Brick oven pizzas are usually made with rich ingredients like meat or sausage, cheese, mushrooms, peppers, onions, garlic, tomato sauce and more! They can be eaten either plain or with additional toppings to make it even better.

Why Make Brick Oven Pizza?

Brick oven pizzas are very easy to make at home if you want to skip the delivery time or get exactly what you like in every bite. You can find everything you need at your local grocery store or order it online if you don’t have a brick oven pizza place near you.

How long does it take to make?

Brick oven pizzas can take anywhere from 30-60 minutes depending on how many people you’re serving and the ingredients. This type of pizza usually takes a bit longer because you have to wait for the dough to rise, let it sit out at room temperature, roll it out and then let it rest again before baking. Once everything is ready just toss on your toppings and pop into a hot brick oven!

What other kinds of food are cooked in a brick oven?

Many Italian dishes are made inside a brick oven including things like pasta, garlic breads, flatbreads, risottos- anything really! You can also find these types of restaurants that specialize in making different kinds of dishes using this type of oven.

Conclusion on What Is Brick Oven Pizza

After reading this article, you already know what is brick oven pizza, what makes it special and recipes you can try at home.

Brick oven pizza is a type of cooking that has been around for centuries. The technique originated in the Middle East and spread to Europe, where it was perfected by Neapolitan cooks. Today, brick oven pizzas are one of America’s favorite foods with more than 10 million bricks being sold each year!

The two things that make brick oven pizza different are the wood-fired taste and crispy texture, which you can get by using either charcoal or gas for heating up your stone. To learn more about what makes this style unique, reviews on our favorite places around town, and recipes for making your own delicious brick oven pies at home, check out our blog!

If you want to make your own brick oven pizza at home, check out our recipes or visit our website for more information on how we can bring this amazing food experience into your kitchen today!

Read more: The Different Types Of Pizza Crust

How To Cook In A Pizza Oven?