What Cheese Goes On Pizza: List of 12 Favorite Cheeses


What Cheese Goes On Pizza – your own unique pizza toppings

Whether you like thick or thin crust, classic pepperoni or something more adventurous, there’s no denying that pizza is a crowd favorite. But what about the cheese? Most people would agree that cheese is a key ingredient in pizza. 

What cheese goes on pizza? The question might seem like a simple one, but there are many different types of cheese that can be used on pizza. However, not all cheeses are created equal. Some cheeses work better than others when it comes to creating the perfect pizza. 

From mozzarella to cheddar, there are endless possibilities when it comes to creating the perfect pizza masterpiece. So, what is the best cheese for pizza? That depends on your preferences. Experimentation is key when it comes to finding the perfect combination for your taste buds!

In this blog post, we will explore some of the most popular cheese choices for pizzas and give tips on how to create the perfect combination. So, what are you waiting for? Start experimenting with different cheeses today!

What Cheese Goes On Pizza

Cheese is one of the most important parts of pizza. It is an ingredient that helps to bring all the flavors together.

While pizzas are usually made with mozzarella cheese, you can experiment by adding different types of cheese for a new taste. Adding Parmesan cheese gives the sauce a nice roasted flavor while sprinkling cheddar over the top might take your taste buds on a delicious adventure!

There are many different types of cheese, including mozzarella cheese. When choosing your pizza cheese you can choose between shredded or cubed cheese. Some individuals even use both on their pizzas.

Cheeses that work well for pizzas include cheddar, pepper jack, Monterey Jack and Parmesan. However, one of the most popular choices is mozzarella cheese because it melts easily and has a mild flavor.

Here Is A Breakdown Of The Different Types Of Cheese You Can Use On Pizza

1) Mozzarella Cheese

When answering the question of what cheese goes on pizza, Mozzarella is mentioned first. Mozzarella cheese is a popular choice.

This is by far one of the most popular cheeses used on pizza due to its mild flavor and stringy texture when melted. This type does well with thin crust pizzas because it melts easily to create that wonderful stringy texture that many love.

Mozzarella also works on deep dish pizzas, but it is recommended that you use a high-quality mozzarella for this type of pizza to help improve the overall flavor of the dish.

In fact, mozzarella cheese is the most common type of cheese used on pizza even though it does not have a strong flavor. Mozzarella cheese consists mostly of water and has a soft texture that works well with pizzas because it melts easily and helps the other toppings stay together.

High Moisture Mozzarella vs. Low Moisture Mozzarella

  • High moisture mozzarella cheese is the most common variety of mozzarella cheese used on pizzas because it melts well and has a mild flavor. This type of cheese is generally found shredded or in block form.
  • Low moisture mozzarella can be found sliced or grated, but tends to have less moisture than high-moisture varieties.

Both are equally delicious when added to pizza!

2) Parmesan Cheese

Another great cheese choice for pizza is Parmesan due to its salty, nutty flavor profile. The ideal way to add this into your next pizza recipe is to take a handful of Parmesan cheese and add it to the sauce.

Then, take another half-handful and sprinkle it over the top of the pizza before popping in the oven or putting on your toppings!

This cheese is one of the most flavorful and pairs well with nearly any type of pizza. Shredded Parmesan does not typically melt, so it is perfect for adding to dishes where you want to get a crunchy topping. It also works well on thin crust pizzas.

Parmesan is a hard cheese with nutty and earthy notes that go well on pizzas where you want the taste of the crust to shine. Parmesan has a strong flavor that helps add a burst of deliciousness when added to any pizza dish!

This type can be shredded or grated to add texture and flavor. Parmesan cheese pairs well with fresh basil, garlic, herbs and tomatoes since all these flavors have a nice umami taste that really makes this meal pop!

Parmesan cheese is one of the most popular cheeses used for Italian dishes. This type of cheese can be added to salads, soups and pastas for an added kick of flavor!

However, it has a very strong flavor that can overpower your dish if not prepared correctly. While this type works well with pizzas in smaller amounts, too much will take over the pizza’s overall flavor.

3) Cheddar Cheese

If you are looking for an alternative to mozzarella cheese, then cheddar might be just what you’re looking for. Cheddar can have a spicy or sweet taste depending on how sharp or mild it is respectively. It can be used with either thin crust or deep dish pizzas without creating too much messiness in the process.

Cheddar has a bold cheesy flavor making it a popular choice for pizzas. It also melts well making it a great option for adding to the top of your favorite pizza dish.

Cheddar cheese comes in both block and shredded varieties. It is generally found packaged pre-shredded which makes it convenient to use when creating pizzas at home!

Cheddar cheese works best when paired with milder cheeses because it has a stronger flavor than mozzarella so too much cheddar can cause an overpowering combination. However, if you prefer cheddar as your pizza topping, don’t be afraid to show your taste buds who’s boss!

Moderately strong in flavor, cheddar pairs nicely with other bold cheese flavors which makes it a fantastic choice for deep dish pizzas. Cheddar is best shredded, since it can get stringy when heated, so take care if adding this type to thin crust pizzas!

Cheddar cheese has become one of the most beloved cheeses because it works well with almost any food you can imagine including tacos, chili and scrambles! This type is generally shredded or cubed before being added to other foods.

When asked what cheese goes on pizza, Cheddar cheese is one of the great choices. Cheddar adds an unmistakable cheesy taste that many love while also having that distinctive cheddar flavor profile that many crave!

4) Provolone Cheese

Similar to mozzarella, provolone cheese has a mild flavor so it works well in dishes where you want the other ingredients to shine. Provolone pairs well with various types of Italian meats including pepperoni or sausage as well as vegetables like onions or peppers for added crunch.

Provolone is best shredded and kept cold before adding it to pizzas; otherwise, it can quickly become stringy and mess up your dish! This type is similar to mozzarella in that it does not take long to melt but may brown more than white cheeses when exposed to high heat.

This type is an alternative pick that what cheese goes on pizza, if you are looking for something different than traditional mozzarella on your pizza!redded provolone has a rich and creamy texture which works well for adding to pizzas.

Provolone has become a favorite cheese because it is generally inexpensive making it affordable to most! This type of cheese pairs well with Italian meat, so feel free to create all your favorite Italian dishes with this mild cheese option!

5) Feta Cheese

The next type of cheese mentioned when answering the question What cheese goes on pizza is Feta cheese. Feta cheese is a mild-flavored, dry white cheese with a crumbly texture.

For pizzas, your best bet for this type of cheese is grated or shredded over the top once the pizza comes out of the oven. This will allow it to melt slightly while still maintaining its shape and consistency!

You can also add this cheese as part of your sauce’s base without worrying about losing any flavor from it melting away. Because of its tangy taste, this type goes best on thin crust pizzas where you want the other flavors to stand out.

Feta has small chunks that can be added to pizzas about 10 minutes before they are done cooking so the cheese gets nice and melty without becoming stringy or hardening up too much. You can also add feta to pizzas on the grill or in the oven if you prefer a melty cheese option!

This type goes perfectly with any vegetable like onions, peppers and olives for added crunch and flavor! Feta is best kept cool until it is time to add it to your pizza so that the chunks do not melt too much making them difficult to handle when adding toppings.

Feta has become a popular choice because of its spicy flavor profile that is different from other cheeses that are traditionally used on pizzas. If you want a change from mozzarella or cheddar, this cheese might be just what you’re looking for!

6) Goat Milk Gouda

Nutty in taste with a mild goat flavor, gouda is considered a medium-strength cheese with just the right amount of sharpness. This type goes best when paired with creamier cheeses like smoked gouda or mozzarella because it has a stronger flavor than these two types which can overpower other toppings!

Gouda’s consistency is semi-soft making it easy to slice pieces off for your perfect pizza size. You can also shred this cheese if you prefer not to deal with slicing by hand! Gouda pairs well with Italian sausage and pepperoni, but feel free to try different meats like bacon or pancetta in combination with this flavorful cheese!

This type is great for anyone who loves strong flavors especially when they are combined! If you are looking for that extra something special in your pizza, what cheese goes on pizza, gouda might be just what you’ve been craving!

7) Swiss Cheese

Next choice for what cheese goes on pizza is Swiss cheese that is another variety of cheese that has a nutty flavor with some zing! When added to pizzas, this cheese adds another dimension of flavor and creates new opportunities for toppings.

The best way to enjoy this type of cheese is shredded over the top after your pizza comes out of the oven. This will allow it to melt slightly while still maintaining its shape. You can also use grated Swiss as part of your sauce’s base since it melts easily without losing its texture.

The strong nutty taste makes Swiss excellent on pizzas paired with ingredients like spinach or apples! However, this type does not melt well so do not add if you are using any other types of shredded cheeses.

Swiss cheese is often known for its classic Swiss fondue dish, but it can also be enjoyed on pizzas! This type of cheese has a stronger flavor than mozzarella so many people prefer to add it after the pizza comes out of the oven. However, you should carefully consider how Swiss will taste with your preferred toppings before making this choice.

Strong nutty flavor makes this type excellent on pizzas paired with spinach or apples! This cheese does not melt well so do not add if you are using any other types of shredded cheeses.

8) Blue Cheese

Blue cheese is one of those cheeses that almost everyone loves, this makes it become a choice what cheese goes on pizza, but some people can’t handle because it has such an intense flavor profile.

While blue cheese is traditionally bought crumbled because it has a moisture content that makes it hard to slice off, you can also buy it in block form if you prefer! Whichever way you choose to enjoy this type of cheese, remember that the best option is grated or shredded so it melts evenly over your pizza.

Blue cheese works well on pizzas paired with ingredients like bacon, ham or even steak for a special treat! This strong-flavored cheese does not pair well with other plain cheeses since they will be overwhelmed by the blue flavor.

However, feel free to experiment with combining this cheese with other types as long as their flavors are strong enough to stand up against this bold choice. Be sure to consider the toppings before adding blue cheese to a pizza since it does have a very strong flavor that can overpower other ingredients.

9) Gruyere

Gruyere is often used as the base for classic French onion soup because it has a mild yet slightly sweet flavor. So, Is it one of those choices what cheese goes on pizza?

The best way to enjoy this type of cheese is shredded so it melts evenly over your pizza. Gruyere works best when paired with other cheeses like gouda or mozzarella since its unique taste can be overpowering on its own.

This type of cheese goes really well with meats like ham, smoked turkey or bacon! However, you should choose toppings that are not too watery because the gruyere will absorb all their moisture and lose some consistency.

When combined with these meat toppings, gruyere creates a truly unique flavor profile for your next homemade pizza!

10) Ricotta

Ricotta has a mild, slightly sweet flavor that works great with vegetables. It’s become a delicated choice for what cheese goes on pizza because its mild flavor doesn’t overwhelm the pizza.

This cheese should be added after your pizza comes out of the oven so it can start melting but still have enough structure to maintain its shape.

This type is best paired with veggies like spinach, tomatoes or mushrooms! However, ricotta does not hold up well against other types of cheese so pairing it with shredded cheeses is essential for making this type delicious.

11) Brie

Brie has a rich, buttery flavor that can be overwhelming if you add too much to your pizza. The best way to enjoy this type is in small chunks. This cheese should be added after your pizza comes out of the oven so it can start melting but still have enough structure to maintain its shape.

This type goes well with fresh veggies like tomatoes or mushrooms! However, brie does not hold up well against other types of cheese so pairing it with shredded cheeses is essential for making this type delicious.

More adventurous foodies might want to try a more intense flavor for their next pizza recipe. Brie is a great option for what cheese goes on pizza because of its creamy texture and sweet flavor profile.

It works particularly well with thin crust pizzas because these have lighter toppings that allow for this cheese’s flavor to really shine through. Don’t be scared off by this one’s strong flavor, though – it pairs well with ingredients such as apples, onions, grapes, figs, pears and other seasonal fruits!

12) Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is another great option for pizzas especially if you are looking to create a healthier dish. This type of cheese works well with thin crusts because it does not melt as easily as other cheeses.

Not only can this make it easier to eat, but it also means that your pizza might not get soggy! Furthermore, many people choose cottage cheese due to its tangy taste and smooth texture.

Cottage cheese has a distinctly sour flavor that really adds something special to your homemade pizza. This cheese should be added after your pizza comes out of the oven so it can start melting but still have enough structure to maintain its shape.

This type tastes great with most veggies and is a great choice for people who really love sour flavors! However, you should combine it with other types of cheese if you want to make sure it melts evenly.

If you add cottage cheese after your pizza comes out of the oven, this type melts well and has a very unique flavor that complements most ingredients! However, its sour flavor can be overpowering when combined with too many things at once. Try pairing this cheese only with fresh vegetables or meats for the best results.

This type goes best with vegetables like spinach, tomatoes or mushrooms! However, cottage cheese does not hold up well against other types of cheese so pairing it with shredded cheeses is essential for making this type delicious.

So, What cheese goes on pizza?

These cheeses are all easily meltable which makes them perfect for pizza making purposes. They also have a mild flavor so they do not take away from any other ingredients that might be added onto the pizza such as vegetables or meats.

A soft or hard cheese may be used on top of a pizza depending upon personal preference and taste. Most people will opt for some sort of shredded mozzarella cheese when it comes to their pizzas while some prefer cheddar or provolone instead due to their sharp flavor. Any type will work regardless of what you choose, though, as long as you add it on top of your pizza after it is finished cooking.

A hard cheese will make a great addition to your next pizza recipe because it adds a unique flavor that can’t be matched by the other types. This type goes best with vegetables like spinach, tomatoes or mushrooms! However, cheddar does not hold up well against other types of cheese so pairing it with shredded cheeses is essential for making this type delicious.

Nutrition Facts Of Different Cheeses 

Cheese is a very common food ingredient found in almost every country across the world. It has been used since ancient times and its taste, texture and nutritional content have made it one of the most addictive foods ever created . People all over use cheese for curries or sandwiches or even simply on its own.

People depend on different types of cheeses based on their personal preferences. There are many different types available depending upon where you live but they mainly break down into two categories: hard cheeses and soft cheeses. Soft cheeses generally melt more easily which means they are ideal for pizza making purposes while hard cheese generally do not melt as easily due to their lower-moisture content.

You already know what cheese goes on pizza, but what is the nutritional value of each type, is it healthy or not, here’s the answer for you.

Hard Cheese Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 oz (28 g) Per Serving

  • Calories 136 Calories from Fat 117
  • Total Fat 13.6g
  • 21% Saturated Fat 8.5g
  • 43% Polyunsaturated 0g
  • Monounsaturated 0g
  • Cholesterol 27mg
  • 9% Sodium 233mg
  • 10% Potassium 85mg
  • 2% Carbohydrates 0g
  • 0% Dietary Fiber 0g
  • 0% Sugars 0g
  • Protein 6.3g
  • Vitamin A 5%
  • Vitamin C ~ Calcium 26%
  • Iron 1 %

Soft Cheese Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 oz (28 g) Per Serving

  • Calories 128 Calories from Fat 95
  • Total Fat 10.8g
  • 17% Saturated Fat 6.4g
  • 30% Polyunsaturated 0g
  • Monounsaturated 0g
  • Cholesterol 24mg
  • 8% Sodium 202mg
  • 8% Potassium 54mg
  • 1 % Carbohydrates ~ Dietary Fiber ~ Sugars ~ Protein 7.3g
  • Vitamin A 5 %
  • Vitamin C ~ Calcium 18 %
  • Iron 2 %

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending upon your caloric needs.

How Much Cheese On A Pizza

How much cheese should you put on a pizza? That’s up to you! Some people prefer little to no cheese, while others love it.

The general consensus, though, is to use as little cheese as possible while still enjoying it. Pizza with too much cheese can be soggy and greasy – the crust and other ingredients should shine through!

How much cheese on a pizza is really up to personal taste preference. Some individuals like more cheese than others with some opting for little to no cheese at all.

On average you should expect to use around eight ounces of shredded cheese per standard sized pizza which can vary depending on the type of crust you use along with any additional toppings that might be added onto the pizza. Cheeses that work very well when it comes to creating pizzas include mozzarella, cheddar and Parmesan.

So, What cheese goes on pizza? What type of cheese do you like? What’s your favorite pizza topping? You don’t need to know how to cook well to make a homemade pizza; just follow the recipes we’ve given you here and soon enough you’ll have something delicious that rivals any gourmet pizza out there!

When making your own pizza, always keep in mind the various types of cheeses that are available to you. How much cheese on a pizza is up to you to decide to top your pizza with will depend mostly on personal preference although there are some standards that most people follow when it comes to pizza cheese.

The most common types of cheeses include mozzarella, cheddar and Parmesan. However, there are other options as well such as provolone or pepper jack.

Making Your Own Unique Combinations With Cheese For Pizza

Once you’ve grasped the basics of what cheese goes on pizza and how much cheese on a pizza, you can then begin experimenting with creating your own unique combinations!

These might include using different cheeses for the crust, or deciding to add one cheese instead of another. The possibilities are endless and your homemade pizza recipe is sure to become a family tradition once you discover your favorite combination!

No matter what you choose, try using mozzarella as part of your cheese mixture. It works well with almost every other type and the meltiness factor makes it easy for this delicious variety to work its way into all kinds of different recipes!

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can begin creating pizzas that cater specifically to your individual taste preferences. There’s no better way to make memories than breaking bread together – especially when that bread is covered in arguably the most mouth-watering combination of all cheese!

Here are some suggestions that might inspire you to create your own unique pizza toppings:

1) Pizza with a Cheddar Cheese Crust, Smoked Gouda and Mozzarella Topping


  • 1/3 cup Cheddar cheese
  • Grated Parmesan cheese 2 tbsp.
  • Grated Mozzarella 1 tbsp.
  • Pizza sauce of choice (enough for two crusts)
  • A few slices of pepperoni or cooked sausage, cut into quarters
  • Sliced mushrooms
  • Small pieces of fresh spinach
  • Diced onion
  • Freshly chopped basil leaves
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic salt


  • Preheat oven to 450°F Mix cheeses together in a bowl
  • Place dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper
  • Add the mixture on top
  • Cover with desired amount of sauce, keeping about 1/2 an inch around the edges
  • Add toppings
  • Bake for 15 minutes or until crust is golden brown

2) Pizza with Parmesan Cheese Crust, Cheddar and Mozzarella Topping

Serves 4-6


  • Bread flour
  • Tortilla wraps
  • Butter
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Oregano Italian seasoning
  • Garlic powder
  • Onion powder
  • Salt
  • Feta cheese crumbles
  • Pizza sauce of choice (enough for two crusts)
  • Red onion, thinly sliced
  • Grilled chicken slices
  • Cheddar cheese, freshly grated
  • Mozzarella cheese, freshly grated
  • Optional: Sugar


  • Preheat oven to 450°F
  • Place tortilla wrap on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper
  • Use your fingers to pinch all four corners together in the center
  • Melt butter in the microwave to use as an egg wash for this recipe
  • Mix together bread flour, Parmesan cheese, oregano, onion powder and garlic salt in a bowl
  • Add 2 tsp. of oil into the mix
  • Cut butter into cubes and add to dry ingredients
  • Use your fingers or a fork to cut butter into dry ingredients until they’re crumbly
  • Mix together egg with 1 tbsp. of water and pour onto flour mixture
  • Stir until combined Sprinkle some flour on your workspace and carefully roll out dough
  • Flatten thickness to about 1/4 inch
  • Use a knife or pizza cutter to make 3 even cuts along one side (should look like six equal triangles)
  • Pull out the dough from between each triangle
  • Bake for 10 minutes
  • Remove from oven and reduce heat to 350°F
  • Add sauce and toppings, being careful not to add too many at one time
  • Bake for 20 minutes

3) Pizza with a Mozzarella Cheese Crust, Smoked Gouda and Provolone Topping

Makes 1 pizza


  • 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
  • Grated Parmesan cheese 3-4 tbsp.
  • Grated smoked gouda ½ tsp.
  • Dried oregano or basil
  • Olive oil
  • Pizza sauce (enough for one pizza)
  • ¼ onion
  • Diced 2 cloves garlic
  • Minced Pepperoni slices
  • Fresh spinach leaves
  • Diced tomatoes
  • Freshly chopped basil leaves


  • Preheat oven to 450°F
  • Mix cheeses together in a bowl
  • Place dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper
  • Add the mixture on top
  • Cover with desired amount of sauce, keeping about 1/2 an inch around the edges
  • Add toppings
  • Bake for 10 minutes or until crust is golden brown

4) Pizza with a Mozzarella Cheese Crust Topping


  • ½ cup mozzarella cheese
  • Grated Parmesan cheese 3-4 tbsp.
  • Grated smoked gouda ½ tsp.
  • Mushrooms (sautéed in garlic and olive oil)
  • Artichoke hearts (in water, drained well and sliced thin)
  • Black olives (whole or sliced thin)
  • Sliced green bell peppers (in strips or chunks)
  • Onion (thinly sliced or chopped small pieces)
  • Chopped broccoli florets (steamed until tender crisp then drained well before topping pizza.)

**Remember to not load your pizza up with a lot of toppings.

*Bake according to instructions on dough package or until crust is golden brown. Slice and serve.*


  • Preheat oven to 450°F
  • Place dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper
  • Add the mixture on top
  • Cover with desired amount of sauce, keeping about 1/2 an inch around the edges
  • Add toppings
  • Bake for 10 minutes or until crust is golden brown
  • Slice and serve.

5) Pizza with a Cheddar Cheese Crust Topping


  • Chopped cooked bratwursts
  • Italian sausage links, or other spicy meat sausage links (sautéed in 2 tsp. olive oil until heated through before adding sauce and toppings)
  • Sliced black olives or green bell peppers (whole or sliced thin). Slice the peppers very thinly so they will cook quickly.
  • Diced onions (thinly sliced or chopped small pieces), sautéed until tender crisp.
  • Chopped broccoli florets (steamed until tender crisp then drained well before topping pizza.)
  • Sliced fresh mushrooms (sautéed with minced garlic in 2 tsp. olive oil).

*Bake according to instructions on dough package or until crust is golden brown. Slice and serve.*


  • Preheat oven to 450°F
  • Place dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper
  • Add the mixture on top
  • Cover with desired amount of sauce, keeping about 1/2 an inch around the edges
  • Add toppings
  • Bake for 10 minutes or until crust is golden brown
  • Slice and serve.

Pizza is one of the best foods in the world. Here are five great recipes for you to try out – choose your favorite crust and toppings, and enjoy some yummy homemade pizza!

There are so many different kinds of pizza and so many different delicious toppings! All of these pizzas are so tasty, you can’t go wrong with any combination. Happy pizza baking!


What is the best cheese for pizza?

Arguably, mozzarella is the best cheese for pizza. Because it has a mild flavor that isn’t overpowering with spices or seasonings, it allows you to really appreciate the sauce and toppings on your slice of pizza. Other top contenders are provolone and Parmesan cheese.

Mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses go well on almost any type of pizza; however, other types of cheese can be used as well. For example, provolone works very well on Italian or Philly Cheese Steak pizzas because it has a mild/neutral taste that complements the strong flavors in these types of pizza.

What are the 4 cheeses in 4 cheese pizza?

There are four different cheeses in most 4 cheese pizzas. The three most popular cheeses for this type of pizza are mozzarella, provolone, and Parmesan; the fourth cheese is usually cheddar or a mix of other cheeses (Parmesan and cheddar).

What cheese blend is used on pizza?

Various cheeses are used on pizzas. Most commonly, mozzarella and Parmesan cheese blends are used. Other popular cheeses for pizza include those with a cheddar flavor, such as American cheese; those with a Pecorino Romano flavor, such as provolone; and those that melt well like Muenster and fontina.

Which cheese melts the best?

Mozzarella cheese melts the best of all cheeses. It is perfect for pizzas because it has a delicious flavor and works well with any type of topping combination. Other good melting cheeses are provolone, Parmesan, Fontina, Muenster, and Swiss.

What kind of pizza cheese do they use in Chicago?

Chicago-style deep dish pizzas have their own unique blend of cheeses called “Dinkel’s special.” This blend is made up mostly of cheddar cheese, but also includes romano, caraway seeds, onion powder, garlic powder, salt pepper, and sugar. 

What kind of cheese do you use for stuffed crust pizza?

When making homemade Stuffed Crust Pizza at home, there are many different types of cheeses that can be used for this pizza. Provolone, mozzarella, cheddar, and Parmesan are all great options for making a delicious stuffed crust pizza at home.

What kind of cheese do you use on deep dish pizza?

A popular type of cheese used in Deep Dish Pizza is Muenster. Mozzarella is also a popular choice because it melts well and has a mild flavor that isn’t overpowering with spices or seasonings. The best type of cheese to use depends on your personal preference and what other ingredients you plan to include in your Deep Dish Pizza recipe.

What cheese goes on top of french onion soup?

The best cheese to put on top of French Onion Soup is Swiss Cheese! While the soup simmers in your crockpot, go ahead and grate some fresh Swiss onto some wax paper or plastic wrap. When the soup is ready to serve, simply crumple up the shredded cheese and sprinkle it on top of each serving. For the best flavor, allow it to melt over the soup before you eat your yummy French Onion Soup.

What kind of cheese do you use on macaroni and cheese?

The most commonly used cheeses in Macaroni & Cheese are cheddar cheese, Colby cheese, mozzarella, Monterey Jack cheese, Danish blue cheese, Parmesan cheese or a mixture of two or more cheeses.

Cheddar is probably the most popular choice for this dish because of its sharp taste. A creamy Swiss Cheese sauce alone can be used as well! While there are so many different types of cheeses that work great with Macaroni & Cheese recipes, which one you choose has everything to do with personal preference.

Pizza with what cheese?

There are many different kinds of cheeses that can be used on pizza. The most commonly used cheeses for this purpose are mozzarella, provolone, Parmesan, fontina, Muenster, and Swiss. However, there are also other options including cheddar and American.

What kind of cheese is on a taco?

The best type of cheese to use on tacos is Monterey Jack Cheese. This melting cheese is mild in flavor with a semi-soft texture when melted. It’s the best choice when making tacos because it melts perfectly without losing its shape or getting too gooey! You can use your favorite Mexican blend cheese when making tacos as well if you would like.

Is Swiss cheese good on pizza?

Swiss Cheese is great to use on Pizza! It adds a nutty flavor that compliments tomato sauce, meats and veggies. For the best Swiss Cheese for your next pizza, be sure to check out the cheese section of your local grocery store.

Conclusion on What Cheese Goes On Pizza

The main takeaway is that cheese should be applied liberally to the pizza crust. There are many ways to make a delicious pizza with different toppings, but one thing remains constant – if you want it to taste like an authentic Italian-style pie, then load up on the cheese!

If you’re in the market for the cheese to go on your pizza, why not take this opportunity to explore some of these lesser-known options? With so many types of cheeses available at different grocery stores and specialty shops all across the country, it’s easy enough to find one that meets your needs. Whether you’re looking for creamy goat cheese or something sharper like cheddar, there are plenty of choices out there. So get creative! The sky’s the limit when it comes to topping pizzas with delicious cheese varieties.

To wrap up, you’ve now learned that “What cheese goes on pizza” and “How much cheese on a pizza” are very complicated questions with many different answers. The best answer will depend on who you ask and what they like or dislike about certain cheese types.

What do you think? Let us know what your favorite type of cheese is to use on a pizza.  If this article helped you, let us know in the comments below so we can provide even more awesome beginner cooking tips!

Do you have any tips or tricks for using different cheeses? Let us know! We are always looking for new fun recipes to try out.

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