Pizza Hut Hand Tossed vs Pan Pizza: The 6 Big Differences

I’ve got some good news for you.

Pizza Hut makes some of the best crust out of any pizza chain. It’s fresh, has great flavor, and there are multiple types to choose from.

2 of the best types of crust from Pizza Hut are Hand Tossed and Pan. If you’re wondering which one you should choose, Hand Tossed vs Pan, you’re in the right place.

These 2 types of crust are really not that similar, so choosing between them should be easy – once you get all the information!

That’s where I come in.

Here are the 6 big differences between Pizza Hut’s Hand Tossed and Pan crusts. By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly which one you should order.

Summary: The 6 Differences Between Pizza Hut Hand Tossed vs Pan Pizza

Instead of boring you with the details, here’s the quick rundown on what makes Pizza Hut’s Hand Tossed and Pan crusts different from one another:

Hand TossedPan
CrustThinner & crunchierThicker & chewier
SauceSauce “sandwiched” between cheese layersSauce on crust
CheeseCheese layers “sandwich” sauceCheese on top of sauce
PepperoniCircular patternStraight lines
Other ToppingsMore optionsFewer options
Baking MethodOvenPan or panini press

In my opinion, the deciding factor between Pizza Hut Pan vs Hand Tossed pizzas is the crust thickness:

  • If you want a thin, crispy crust, choose the Hand Tossed crust
  • If you want a thick, chewy crust, choose the Pan crust

For more details on what separates these 2 crust types, read on!

Detailed: The 6 Differences Between Hand Tossed vs Pan Pizza Hut

1. Crust

The primary difference between Pizza Hut’s Hand Tossed and Pan Pizza crusts are their textures and thicknesses.

  • Hand Tossed – The Hand Tossed crust is a thinner, crispier crust.
  • Pan – The Pan Pizza crust is a thicker, more doughy crust.

2. Sauce

  • Hand Tossed – Sauce is layered on top of the cheese.
  • Pan – No sauce on top of the cheese.

3. Cheese

  • Hand Tossed – Cheese resembles a lasagna, in that it is built up in different layers.
  • Pan – Cheese melts directly onto the pan, creating a cheese ‘sheet’.

4. Pepperoni

  • Hand Tossed – The pepperoni is laid in a circular pattern.
  • Pan – The pepperoni is laid in straight lines.

5. Other Toppings

  • Hand Tossed – The Hand Tossed crust is an excellent option for those who prefer a more balanced ratio of toppings to crust. The thinner crust allows the toppings to shine while still providing a nice crispy texture.
  • Pan – The Pan Pizza crust, on the other hand, is perfect for those who want to load up their pizza with a lot of toppings without sacrificing the crust’s structure.

6. Baking Method

  • Hand Tossed – Hand Tossed pizzas are cooked in an oven
  • Pan – Original Pan pizzas are cooked in a pan or panini press

More Differences: Pizza Hut Original Pan vs Hand Tossed

1. The dough is different

One of the biggest differences between hand tossed and pan pizzas is the dough. Hand tossed pizza dough is made with flour, yeast, salt, and water. It’s kneaded by hand and then rolled out into a circle.

Pan pizza dough, on the other hand, is made with flour, yeast, salt, oil, and water. It’s mixed in a mixer and then poured into a pan. This type of dough is denser than hand tossed dough and has a chewier texture.

2. The sauce is different

Another key difference between these two types of pizza is the sauce. Hand tossed pizza sauce is typically made with tomatoes, olive oil, and herbs. Pan pizza sauce is made with tomatoes, tomato sauce, and herbs. It’s also slightly sweeter than hand tossed pizza sauce.

3. The toppings are different

the toppings are another important difference between pan and hand tossed pizzas. Pan pizza toppings are typically layered on top of the dough, while hand tossed pizza toppings are mixed in with the dough. This means that pan pizza toppings are usually thicker and more plentiful than hand tossed pizza toppings.

4. The crust is different

One of the last differences between hand tossed and pan pizzas is the crust. Hand tossed pizza crusts are typically thinner than pan pizza crusts. This means that they aren’t as filling, which makes them a better option for people who want to eat less and still be satisfied afterward.

5. The cooking process is different

Another difference between these two types of pizzas is how they’re cooked. Hand tossed pizzas are baked quickly in very high heat, while pan pizzas cooks more slowly in much lower heat.

This helps give the dough its crispy texture when it comes out of the oven since it doesn’t become overcooked like hand tossed dough tends to do at such high temperatures.

6. There are more ingredients in the pan pizza

In addition to the dough, sauce, and toppings that are listed above, pan pizzas typically have more ingredients. This is because they’re topped with different cheeses and extra spices before going into the oven.

7. Pan pizzas are bigger than hand tossed pizzas 

Last but not least, pan pizzas are typically bigger than hand tossed pizzas. This is because they use more dough and have more toppings. So, if you’re looking for a pizza that will satisfy your hunger, a pan pizza is the way to go!

8. Hand tossed pizzas come with a salad and breadsticks, while pan pizzas don’t offer any side dishes 

9. Pan pizzas have less cheese on them because they’re baked instead of being cooked in an oven like hand-tossed pizza 
10. Hand-tossed pizza dough has more sugar in it to make it crispier, but pan pizza dough doesn’t need sugar because it’s already crispy enough from baking the whole thing at once and not just on top like hand-tossed pizza does 
11. A lot of people prefer the taste of a pan pizza over a hand tossed one because there’s no crunchiness to get in your teeth when you eat it, and some people even say that the flavors blend better with each other when they bake together for longer periods of time (which also means that if you order two or three topping then they will be distributed evenly on your pie).
12. When cooking both types of pies, there is a certain time when you want to take the pizza out because if you don’t it will either be too doughy or burnt.
13. Toppings for hand-tossed pizza are usually added after cooking, while pizzas with toppings baked in them (like cheese and sauce) often must come out of the oven before getting done completely.
14. When people make pan pizzas at home, they usually use a baking sheet because this helps them get the crust crispy and the edges rounded nicely which contains all of their ingredients within a nice little pizza bite.
15. Pan pizzas tend to have a crisper crust than hand tossed pizzas due to having more moisture in their crust from using oil in production; whereas hand tossed pizzas will become a little bit more crusty because of the sugar that is used in the dough recipe in order to make it crispy.
16. Pan pizzas can hold more toppings than a hand-tossed pizza, so you are less likely to run out of your favorite toppings before finishing your pizza.

If you thought that was all, here are a few more specific details between Pizza Hut Pan vs Hand Tossed pizza crusts:

  • Hand tossed pizza dough is made with flour, yeast, salt, and water. Pan pizza dough is made with flour, yeast, salt, oil, and water.
  • Hand tossed pizza sauce is typically made with tomatoes, olive oil,, and herbs. Pan pizza sauce is made with tomatoes, tomato sauce, and herbs. It’s also slightly sweeter than hand tossed pizza sauce.
  • Hand tossed pizza toppings are mixed in with the dough. Pan pizza toppings are typically layered on top of the dough.
  • Hand tossed pizzas are baked quickly in very high heat, while pan pizzas cooks more slowly in much lower heat. This helps give the dough its crispy texture when it comes out of the oven since it doesn’t become overcooked like hand tossed dough tends to do at such high temperatures.
  • Pan pizzas are typically bigger than hand tossed pizzas.
  • Hand tossed pizza crusts are typically thinner than pan pizza crusts. This means that they aren’t as filling, which makes them a better option for people who want to eat less and still be satisfied afterward.
  • Hand tossed pizzas come with a salad and breadsticks, while pan pizzas don’t offer any side dishes.

Original Pan Pizza

Pizza Hut’s original pan pizza is made with a thicker crust that is baked in a square pan. The sauce and cheese are layered on top of the crust, and then the toppings are added. The pizza is then baked in a oven until the cheese is melted and the crust is golden brown.

Pan pizza was invented by the founder of Pizza Hut, Frank Carney in 1958. The original pan pizza is dubbed an ‘artesian well’ pizza because it has a raised edge and deep dish crust filled with buttery flavor.

To create the Original Pan Pizza, Carney poured tomato sauce on top of dough and added cheese and pepperoni before baking it.

Hand Tossed Pizza

Pizza Hut’s hand tossed pizza is made with a thin crust that is stretched and tossed by hand. The sauce and cheese are layered on top of the crust, and then the toppings are added. The pizza is then baked in a oven until the cheese is melted and the crust is golden brown.

Hand tossing is a method used to make pizzas by using simple wrist movements to toss and spin the dough into shape. It takes less than two minutes. The technique makes the crust light and crispy while maintaining its fluffiness or air bubbles that to its soft texture .

How are they made?

Original Pan Pizza

Ingredients Needed

Tomato Sauce Onion Garlic Salt Sugar Olive Oil Mozzarella Cheese Parmesan Cheese Marinara Sauce Black Olives Green Peppers Tomato Paste Oregano Garlic Powder Basil Fennel Seeds Red Pepper Flakes Cheddar Cheese Monterey Jack Cheese Romano Cheese Ground Beef Baby Shrimp Italian Sausage Bacon Pepperoni Panko Bread Crumbs* White Wine*

1) First, put the tomatoes, tomato paste, sugar, oregano, basil, garlic powder and salt in a pot. Let it boil until the sauce thickens.

2) While waiting for the sauce to cook, grate mozzarella cheese and cheddar cheese.

3) When the sauce is done cooking, take it off from the stove and let it cool. Next, add onions, garlic, black olives and green peppers in a bowl with marinara sauce. Mix until all ingredients are evenly spread out.

4) Pour onion mixture on top of the dough and spread it out evenly to completely cover the dough.

5) Sprinkle grated cheese on top followed by remaining toppings such as pepperoni, bacon and ground beef

6) Bake in an oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes or until crust is golden brown

7) When done baking, take pizza out of the oven and slice it into smaller pieces before serving

Hand Tossed Pizza

Hand Tossed pizza is made by the same process as pan pizza; first, dough is formed into a round shape and allowed to rise. Then sauce and cheese are applied, followed by additional toppings like pepperoni or sausage. Finally, it’s oven-baked until it reaches perfection!

Final Verdict: Pizza Hut Pan Pizza vs Hand Tossed

There are a lot of differences between these 2 types of Pizza Hut pizza crusts.

If you want a thinner, crisper pizza – get the Hand Tossed crust.

If you want a thicker, chewier pizza – get the Pan crust.

While this article has focused on the differences between Pizza Hut Original Pan vs Hand Tossed pizzas, there is one big similarity: BOTH ARE REALLY GOOD!

You can’t go wrong with either option.

FAQs - Pizza Hut Hand Tossed vs Pan

Which tastes better hand tossed or pan pizza?

The Hand Tossed pizza crust tastes better than the Pan pizza crust at Pizza Hut.

Which crust is best at Pizza Hut?

The Hand Tossed crust is the best crust type at Pizza Hut.

What is the difference between hand tossed and pan pizza?

There are 6 key differences between Pizza Hut's Hand Tossed and Pan pizzas: The sauce, crust, cheese, pepperoni, toppings, and baking methods are all different.

Is hand tossed or pan thicker?

Pizza Hut's Pan pizzas are thicker than its Hand Tossed pizzas. While the Pan crust is dense and chewy, the Hand Tossed is comparably lighter and thinner with some crunch.