How To Cook Ramen In The Microwave? Your Ultimate Guide
Ramen is a household favorite for a quick and easy meal. Not only is it affordable, but it’s also versatile and can be tailored to fit any dietary need. While most people know how to cook ramen on the stovetop, did you know that you can also cook it in the microwave?
Ramen is also a college student staple, a classic college dorm room food. But for all its convenience and simplicity, there’s just something about eating a styrofoam cup of ramen that feels a little bit…cheap. This easy guide will show you how to cook ramen in the microwave so you can enjoy this delicious dish without sacrificing any taste or quality. Plus, it’ll only take about 5 minutes!
In this blog post, we are going to teach you how to cook ramen in the microwave. If you’re in a hurry, or just don’t feel like cooking over a stovetop, this is the perfect solution for you! We’ll walk you through every step of the process, so you can make your favorite ramen dish with ease. Plus, it’s really easy to customize this recipe according to your own personal preferences. So don’t wait any longer – let’s get started!
How To Cook Ramen In The Microwave
Few people know this, but in addition to being cooked on the stovetop, ramen noodles are also entirely microwaveable. This means you can cook the perfect ramen dish at home without ever having to buy one of those pricey packs from the store.
If you’re wondering how to cook ramen in the microwave, we’ve got all the information right here!
Method 1: Prepare The Water First & Then Cook Noodles
What You Will Need:
- A microwave-safe bowl & lid (we recommend using a glass or ceramic bowl, and always be sure to cover your food while cooking)
- Ramen noodles (choose your favorite brand and flavor!)
- Your preferred spices/seasonings
Step 1: Fill a large microwave-safe bowl with water and add your desired amount of seasoning. If you’re using the seasoning packets that come with the ramen, just use one for a single serving. For two servings, use two packets, etc.
Step 2: Place your bowl in the microwave and cook it on high heat for about 3 minutes. Depending on your appliance, cooking times may vary slightly from those given here — always keep a close eye on what’s going on as microwaves work quickly!

Step 3: Carefully remove the bowl from the microwave and take off the lid (be extremely cautious of steam). Now add in your ramen noodles! If you have a large enough bowl to fit all of them, go ahead and mix everything together now; if not, simply place whatever amount of noodles will fit comfortably into the pot.
Step 4: Cover the bowl (or leave the lid on), and place it back in the microwave for another 3-5 minutes, or until the noodles become soft enough to eat. Just remember — when in doubt, always cook your ramen a little bit longer! You can never go wrong with overcooked noodles.

Step 5: Stir everything up and enjoy! If you’re looking to add some extra pizzazz to this recipe, we recommend throwing in fresh green vegetables like spinach or broccoli during the last few minutes of cooking time. This will allow them to soften just right and really create a delicious dish that’s perfect for any occasion!

Method 2: Microwave Noodles In The Bowl Directly
What You Need:
The ingredients you will need to make your ramen are water, noodles, and seasoning. Here are the specific amounts you should be using for each ingredient (per package):
- 1 cup of water (or enough to cover the noodles while cooking)
- 4 ounces of uncooked ramen noodles.
This is about half a standard package of noodles. For this recipe, we recommend using chicken flavored Ramen Noodles. However, if you don’t like chicken-flavored dishes or want to switch it up a little bit, you can use vegetable flavored instead.
- 2 teaspoons of seasoning. We recommend using one seasoning packet for this recipe.
However, if you’d like it to be more spicy or flavorful, then feel free to use two packets instead. You can also add additional seasonings according to your taste preferences.
Step 1:
Take out the seasoning packet and set it aside for a moment. Carefully peel off the top of the dried ramen noodles so that water does not get inside.

Add all of your ingredients into a microwavable glass bowl. If you have a Tupperware container with a lid, then this would work even better since it will keep your food from spilling over when you shake it up.
Step 2:
Fill up one cup (or slightly less) with water, and add it to your bowl along with the ramen noodles and seasoning.

Step 3:
Throw away the ramen lid if you have one, or cover the bowl with a plate before microwaving it to prevent water from dripping all over your microwave.

Step 4:
Microwave on high for 2 minutes. When it’s done cooking, be sure to take off any tight-fitting lids (or carefully lift them up) so that steam does not burn your face! Quickly stir up the contents of your bowl to make sure everything is evenly distributed and cooked thoroughly. Now eat up!
There are many different ways to make ramen noodle, but this is one of our favorite because this recipe does not require any other utensils besides your microwave. It can be prepared in under five minutes (maybe even less), which makes it the perfect meal when you need something quick and easy.
Set the table with some chopsticks and napkins, then get ready to dig into one of our trademark Asian dishes!

It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, rich or poor. Everybody loves ramen noodles! This is a great dish for just about any occasion, whether it’s an ordinary Monday night at home or you’re hosting Thanksgiving dinner. We’ve got this easy recipe down to under five minutes. All you need is some water (maybe even hot water), a microwave, and something to cover your bowl while it cooks.
Now that you know everything you need for this recipe, are you ready to give it a try? So, How long will it take before you’ve got yourself some yummy ramen noodles?
How Long To Microwave Ramen Noodles
Now that you know how to cook ramen in the microwave, here are some time estimates for cooking it until fully done:
✅ 1-minute cook (fresh noodles):
Cook fresh noodles in one minute when they’re put into hot water. Make sure you stir them up halfway through microwaving otherwise they will stick together in clumps.
✅ 3-minutes (frozen noodles): Lay frozen ramen on its side and microwave at 50% power or defrost setting for 3 minutes. If your interior is not warm enough after this time period, continue heating at 20 second intervals until it is ready to eat. Stir occasionally while microwaving to prevent sticking.
✅ 2-5 minutes (reconstituted dry noodles): Cover the bowl and cook the noodles for 2-5 minutes depending on how firm you prefer them.
The bottom line:
Keep in mind that microwave times and power levels vary, so we recommend experimenting with your own cooking times and speeds to find what works best for you and your microwave. This recipe is just a basic guideline to get you started!
The cooking time may vary depending on what type of microwave you’re using. If it’s over, feel free to add some more water and cook for another 30 seconds at a time until done.
Besides just being a delicious meal, one of the best things about this dish is how customizable it is. If you want to learn more about making your own ramen, be sure to check out our other blog posts! We have tons of great recipes for Standard Ramen Noodles, Vegetarian Ramen Recipes, Shrimp Flavor Instant Noodles, and even 5 Unique Ways To Make Ramen!
Other Things Related To How To Cook Ramen In The Microwave
What is Ramen?
Now that you know how to cook ramen in the microwave and how long to microwave ramen, so what exactly is ramen? Ramen is a very popular dish in Japan. In Japan, it is usually made from soy sauce, miso paste, salt and pork bones.

It was originally created by Chinese immigrants; however, it has become extremely popular in Japanese culture since its introduction to the country during the Meiji period (1868-1912). People that are familiar with Japanese cuisine might be wondering what makes ramen different than other Asian noodle soups like pho or pad thai.
The main thing that separates ramen apart from other types of noodles is the fact that it’s packaged with pre-made dried noodles and separate flavoring packets (similar to how cups of noodle soups are packaged in the United States).

The soup is optional for this dish; however, most people like to get a small ramen shop and add their own types of ingredients such as pork, chicken or vegetables.
Some of the most popular places to eat ramen in Japan are street carts or food stands on the side of the road. This type of dining is very common among young adults and people of working age who don’t have time to sit down and eat at a restaurant because they’re too busy with work or school.
Nutrition Facts of Ramen
Ramen noodles contain a high amount of carbohydrates and salt. It is very low in vitamins and has no calcium, iron or protein. If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s best to stay away from this foodstuff since one cup can raise your blood pressure for a short period of time.
It is not recommended that you eat ramen every day for lunch or dinner because of its high levels of sodium which can cause long-term cardiovascular problems if consumed on a regular basis (similar to eating too much fast food).
However, many ramen brands now offer low sodium options; therefore, it might be possible for someone with an extremely busy schedule and strict budget to prepare something better than instant noodles.
Nutrition Contents of Ramen
Ramen noodles are made from wheat flour and other ingredients such as water, salt and a type of alkaline mineral water that is similar to what you can find in some types of baking soda. The first three ingredients listed should be considered the first three main components since they’re needed to make ramen noodles.
This foodstuff does not require an oven for preparation; however, it’s usually prepared on top of a stove or hot plate for two minutes or less depending on which brand you buy.

The amount of calories per package varies between brands; however, most packages contain about 200-300 calories even though it might look like more than that.
Ramen contains moderate amounts of protein (about 10 grams) and carbohydrates (about 40 grams). Sodium content is about 500mg which is significantly lower compared to other ramen brands sold in Japan.
You can already answer the question is ramen good for health, so why not try applying the instructions on how to cook ramen in the microwave at tonight?
The Many Benefits Of Cooking Ramen In The Microwave
These days, the microwave is no longer an appliance that’s only good for reheating meals. It can also be used to cook ingredients in a variety of ways, including boiling water and steaming vegetables. What most people don’t realize is that you can even cook ramen noodles with your microwave!
Like the instructions on how to cook ramen in the microwave above, the noodles are cooked thoroughly after being microwaved for 2 minutes.
We have already shown you how to cook ramen in the microwave can be done easily without any other utensils, but this method has many other benefits as well. If you’re not convinced yet, just check out these reasons why it makes sense to have a microwave:
Ramen Noodle Microwave Hack Benefits:
1) Save money – Buying ramen noodles can get expensive, especially if you’re a college student or you’ve got a family to feed. A big bag of ramen cost about $1 and provides 2-3 meals per package (depending on how hungry everyone is), which adds up to less than 50 cents per person.
2) Save time – Cooking food with your microwave is very fast and efficient since it cooks without losing any nutrients or flavor. You’ll also save on the cleanup time after cooking since only one bowl and utensil will be needed (the knife and cutting board that were used for slicing veggies).
3) Convenience – If you don’t have access to a kitchen or cooking equipment, microwaving some ramen noodles could your only option. Even if you’re cooking in your kitchen, it doesn’t take long to prepare these noodles for a quick lunch or dinner.
4) Keep all nutrients – Since you’re not adding any extra ingredients (like oil) during the cooking process , all the nutrients will stay in the ramen noodles and won’t be drained away like they would if you boiled them. This is really important for people with certain dietary restrictions where they need to control their fat and calorie intake.
5) Easy cleanup – Cleanup is so much easier when you’ve got just one bowl and utensil to deal with after cooking. Just throw out the dirty food remnants, wash up everything else, then you’re done! You can even put away your cutting board and knife since they weren’t used.
Microwaving ramen is quick and easy, plus you’ll save money by not needing any other utensils.
The above are just some of the reasons why you should start cooking ramen noodles with your microwave. All in all, it’s a very simple way to prepare these delicious noodles that everyone can enjoy!
How To Make Your Ramen Taste Better
Cooking your ramen noodles alone doesn’t mean that the meal will taste great. Just like any other type of dish, there are certain guidelines that you should follow to season and flavor the ramen properly.

Follow these tips:
1) Add extra flavoring – Pouring some bouillon cubes and/or adding a few drops of soy sauce and oil to the hot water can give your noodles more taste than just using water alone. You can even add some sliced carrots or celery before microwaving for an added boost in flavor!
2) Add some oil – Adding a little bit of cooking oil can enhance the overall flavor and aroma of your food. Simply pour about one teaspoonful into the bowl after removing all the seasoning, mix it thoroughly throughout so it’s evenly distributed, and you’ll be good to go.
3) Add beef or chicken – This is one of the best ways to add both taste and protein to your ramen, which makes it into a complete meal all-in-one. Just add a few pieces of cooked beef or chicken, and you’re good to go!
4) Season with veggies – You can add some extra vegetables in your ramen after microwaving it. Some chopped scallions, sliced cabbage, or even bean sprouts will give the dish more color and crunch. This is also a very simple step that’ll produce great results!

Some people also like to add mushrooms for added texture and flavor (just make sure they’re cooked beforehand since raw ones won’t taste good).
Adding these ingredients will make your Ramen Noodle Microwave Hack taste even better!
With these tips, everyone will love eating your noodles no matter how plain they may be right out of the package. As long as you follow this basic guide on how to cook ramen in the microwave, all your homemade meals will taste better than store-bought products!
If you want something heartier, you can add in some cooked chicken, beef, or pork. There are lots of other food items you can add in to make it taste better such as onions (sliced thinly), carrots (julienned), and green onions (chopped). For extra flavor, sprinkle in some chili powder or hot sauce!
Did I mention that all these ingredients don’t cost much? They’re also easy to find at your local supermarket. So if you want to enjoy a more flavorful Ramen Noodle Microwave Hack without buying anything else, using this cooking method is the way to go!
How To Customize Your Ramen Dish
Once you’ve mastered the basic method of cooking ramen noodles in the microwave, you can try experimenting with adding different ingredients for a more customized meal.
The sky is really the limit when it comes to customizing your own bowl of ramen! The following are just some of the many ways you can make these noodles into an even more delicious dish.

1) Add scrambled egg – This is another simple step that gives you flavorful results. Just pour in about half a cup of the beaten egg right before microwaving, then cook for two minutes or so until everything’s merged well together. You can also add some cooked diced carrots and onions if desired.
2) Add shrimp tempura – Shrimp tempura is one of the most popular toppings across all sorts of ramen noodle dishes. You can simply place a few pieces of shrimp tempura on top of your hot bowl of noodles as soon as it’s done cooking, and watch it fall apart in the steaming broth.
3) Add vegetables – A great way to enhance your ramen dish is by adding some chopped scallions, cabbage, or even bean sprouts. This will make the overall texture more interesting and colorful as well! Other veggies worth trying include mushrooms (stir-fried beforehand), onions (sliced thinly), carrots (julienned), or green onions (chopped). Dash some red pepper flakes for extra flavor if desired.
4) Cater to your cravings – To make a more filling meal, you can add some cooked beef, chicken, or pork when microwaving. Scrambled egg is also a good addition if you want to make the dish heartier. Don’t hesitate to add spices and sauces as needed. You can add in chili powder, hot sauce, or even garlic salt for extra flavor!
Customize your Ramen Noodle Microwave Hack just the way you like it by trying out different ingredients! This is a great way to turn this simple meal into a daily treat that’ll suit your needs and cravings perfectly.
By following these tips on how to cook Ramen in the microwave, everyone can enjoy quick homemade ramen noodles with no effort at all. If you follow these basic instructions from start to finish, you can make a flavorful dish that costs less than five dollars!
Tips on How To Cook Ramen In The Microwave Without Leaving A Mess
1) Use a microwave-safe bowl
Since you’ll be dealing with hot food straight from your microwave, make sure to use a microwave safe dish. Metal containers and cookware can get extremely hot in the microwave even when they’re empty, so be mindful of this risk when cooking ramen noodles.
2) Don’t add dry seasonings until after microwaving
Make sure to read the back of your seasoning packet before adding them into the water. Most packets specify that you should not add in any flavor enhancers like salt and bouillon until after boiling it in water (and never put in dry seasonings beforehand).
This is because these ingredients will lose their potency if you add them too early, so only add the flavor mixture once the water starts boiling.
3) Rinse your noodles before adding them to the bowl
This is especially important if you’re using low-quality ramen noodles. These products are known to contain lots of artificial additives, so rinsing them beforehand will make sure that all those flavors are washed away to make way for a cleaner taste.
You don’t have to rinse your noodles if you’re using high quality brands, but you can still do this step as a precautionary method.
4) Be careful when removing the lid
Almost every type of bowl or container has sharp edges on its cover, which can result in nasty cuts if handled without care. Having nicks and cuts on hands isn’t good, so make sure to be really careful when removing the lid from a bowl.
5) Heat for a shorter time
If you’re always in a rush, then you can cut down on cooking time by heating your noodles for about two minutes instead of four. This is especially useful if you’re using thinner types of ramen that cook really fast!
As long as you follow these simple steps, your Ramen Noodle Microwave Hack will taste great and won’t be a mess. With just a few minutes of prep time and $1 or less for ingredients, you can create a cheap and filling dish that will keep you full for hours!
How To Store Your Microwave Ramen
To keep it fresh and prevent the noodles from becoming mushy, store your microwaved ramen in an airtight container and leave at room temperature. Do not stick it back into the fridge as this will turn the dish gooey and unappetizing.
Prepare several servings of ramen at once – If you want to save some time during cooking night, you can always prepare multiple servings of microwave ready ramen noodles!
All you need is a large enough bowl to hold all those packets, so if space is an issue then try mixing smaller amounts together instead. The broth might get diluted by other seasonings, but this isn’t anything that a splash of water can’t fix.
You’d be surprised that how to cook ramen in the microwave is really easily! Once you’ve tried it out a few times, you can experiment with different types of noodles and flavor packets to create your own dish.
Just remember that if this is your first time following the guide on how to cook ramen in the microwave then you should always follow the instructions on the back of each packet in order to avoid any mishaps.
Once you’ve made your noodles, make sure to store them in an airtight container or jar. These microwavable meals taste best when they’re fresh and steamy, so try to eat your leftovers within a week of cooking it. Buying smaller portions might also help keep the noodles from drying out too quickly if you don’t finish them after several days of storage.
Some Recipes To Get You Started

1) Ramen Noodle Microwave Hack Recipe
– 2 servings of ramen noodles (preferably the cup kind)
– 1 tablespoon of oil or butter
Optional ingredients that can be added in while cooking:
– Boneless skinless chicken breasts, diced into cubes or thin strips (optional, but recommended for added flavor and texture)
– Baby carrots (sliced julienned carrots work best; optional, but recommended if you want to add more substance to your meal)
– Button mushrooms (optional; doesn’t taste good with plain ramen though)
– Chili powder or hot sauce (optional; adds a spicy kick!)
Cooking utensils:
1 microwave safe bowl and cover 1 stove top burner Chopsticks or cooking chop
1) Put 1 teaspoon of oil or butter in the microwave safe bowl, then place it in the microwave. Set your timer to one minute and let the oil melt. If you’re using chili powder, add this at this point as well.
2) Add in 4 cups of water once the oil melts completely. Be sure that all of the ramen is covered by the water so that it cooks thoroughly.
3) Once more, put your bowl on top of a stove top burner set to medium heat for about three minutes or until boiling commences (Your stove’s readout might say something different than 3 minutes; just keep an eye on it). If you want to add extra flavor, add in your chicken or carrots now.
4) Remove the bowl from the stove top and set it aside for about 10 minutes to let the water cool down. Add in your flavor packet and mix well with chopsticks or a cooking utensil until fully combined.
5) Serve and enjoy!
2) Ramen Noodle Microwave Hack Recipe (Extra Spicy)
– 2 servings of ramen noodles (preferably the cup kind)
– 1 tablespoon of oil or butter
Optional ingredients that can be added in while cooking:
– Boneless skinless chicken breasts, diced into cubes or thin strips (optional, but recommended for added flavor and texture)
– Button mushrooms (optional; doesn’t taste good with plain ramen though)
– Chili powder or hot sauce (optional; adds a spicy kick!)
Cooking utensils:
1 microwave safe bowl and cover 1 stove top burner Chopsticks or cooking chop
1) Put 1 teaspoon of oil or butter in the microwave safe bowl, then place it in the microwave. Set your timer to one minute and let the oil melt. If you’re using chili powder, add this at this point as well.
2) Add in 4 cups of water once the oil melts completely. Be sure that all of the ramen is covered by the water so that it cooks thoroughly.
3) Once more, put your bowl on top of a stove top burner set to medium heat for about three minutes or until boiling commences (Your stove’s readout might say something different than 3 minutes; just keep an eye on it). If you want to add extra flavor, add in your chicken or carrots now.
4) Remove the bowl from the stove top and set it aside for about 10 minutes to let the water cool down. Add in your flavor packet and mix well with chopsticks or a cooking utensil until fully combined.
5) Serve and enjoy!
3) Ramen Noodle Soup Recipe
– 2 servings of ramen noodles (preferably the cup kind)
– 1 tablespoon of oil or butter
Optional ingredients that can be added in while cooking:
– Boneless skinless chicken breasts, diced into cubes or thin strips (optional, but recommended for added flavor and texture)
– Button mushrooms (optional; doesn’t taste good with plain ramen though)
– Chili powder or hot sauce (optional; adds a spicy kick!)
Cooking utensils:
1 microwave safe bowl and cover
1 stove top burner Chopsticks or cooking chop
1) Put 1 teaspoon of oil or butter in the microwave safe bowl, then place it in the microwave. Set your timer to one minute and let the oil melt. If you’re using chili powder, add this at this point as.
2) Add in 4 cups of water once the oil melts completely. Be sure that all of the ramen is covered by the water so that it cooks thoroughly.
3) Once more, put your bowl on top of a stove top burner set to medium heat for about three minutes or until boiling commences (Your stove’s readout might say something different than 3 minutes; just keep an eye on it). If you want to add extra flavor, add in your chicken or carrots now.
4) Remove the bowl from the stove top and set it aside for about 10 minutes to let the water cool down. Add in your flavor packet and mix well with chopsticks or a cooking utensil until fully combined.
5) Serve and enjoy!
4) Ramen Noodle Soup Recipe (Extra Spicy)
– 2 servings of ramen noodles (preferably the cup kind)
– 1 tablespoon of oil or butter
Optional ingredients that can be added in while cooking:
– Boneless skinless chicken breasts, diced into cubes or thin strips (optional, but recommended for added flavor and texture)
– Button mushrooms (optional; doesn’t taste good with plain ramen though)
– Chili powder or hot sauce (optional; adds a spicy kick!)
Cooking utensils:
1 microwave safe bowl and cover
1 stove top burner Chopsticks or cooking chop
1) Put 1 teaspoon of oil or butter in the microwave safe bowl, then place it in the microwave. Set your timer to one minute and let the oil melt. If you’re using chili powder, add this at this point as well.
2) Add in 4 cups of water once the oil melts completely. Be sure that all of the ramen is covered by the water so that it cooks thoroughly.
3) Once more, put your bowl on top of a stove top burner set to medium heat for about three minutes or until boiling commences (Your stove’s readout might say something different than 3 minutes; just keep an eye on it). If you want to add extra flavor, add in your chicken or carrots now.
4) Remove the bowl from the stove top and set it aside for about 10 minutes to let the water cool down. Add in your flavor packet and mix well with chopsticks or a cooking utensil until fully combined.
5) Serve and enjoy!
FAQs on How To Cook Ramen In The Microwave
How long to microwave square package ramen?
How long to microwave ramen in a cup?
How long to microwave white package ramen?
How to make ramen different flavors?
Can you microwave ramen noodles in a styrofoam cup?
Why can’t you microwave ramen noodles in a plastic bag?
Do ramen noodles cause weight gain?
What can you use instead of the little flavoring packet that is included?
How long does instant ramen last in the fridge?
How to cook ramen without a microwave?
You can also make ramen soup by adding in chicken broth, vegetables and other spices. This is the traditional way of cooking ramen and it also enhances its flavor and taste.
How long do you have to boil ramen noodles?
Ramen noodles are a college student’s best friend. It is classic college food, but it doesn’t have to be limited to dorm rooms and budget-friendly meals. They’re easy to make, inexpensive, and full of flavor. But what do you do when there is no stove in sight?
If you’re tired of waiting for boiling water and want to get your favorite noodles with a few clicks, learn how to cook ramen in the microwave. Your ultimate guide comes complete with all the tips you need to know as well as recipes that will show you just what this cooking method is capable of.
With a little creativity, you can turn this humble noodle dish into something special. Whether you’re looking for an easy weeknight meal or a hearty weekend dinner, these recipes will show you how to cook ramen in the microwave like a pro. So what are you waiting for? Get cooking!
Ramen is a great meal to cook in the microwave because it’s easy, fast, and affordable. With just a few tips and recipes, you can make delicious ramen in the microwave in no time. So next time you’re short on time or money, give ramen a try!
Have you tried cooking ramen in the microwave before? What are your favorite tips or recipes? If you want more information on how to cook ramen in the microwave, don’t hesitate to ask your questions or leave feedback below!
Further reading
How To Cook Pasta In The Microwave?
12 Best Microwave Air Fryer Combo In 2022
How To Melt Cheese In Microwave?