Homemade Pizza Calories And Nutrition. The Best Homemade Pizza Recipe

Homemade Pizza Calories And Nutrition. How To Make A Healthy Homemade Pizza Calories

Most people love pizza. Pizza is a favorite food for many people. There’s a reason it is the most popular food in America, after all! It can be topped with all sorts of delicious and flavorful ingredients, like cheese, pepperoni, sausage, vegetables and more!

Unfortunately, most pizzas you can buy from your local pizza place are not very healthy for you at all. Instead of buying premade frozen pizzas or going to a restaurant with greasy cheese and doughy crusts, consider making homemade pizza instead!

Homemade pizzas have fewer calories than store bought ones, so they will be healthier for you as well as taste better. You can even make them yourself if you have time and energy – just follow these simple instructions.


But what happens when you make it at home? What are the calorie counts on those tasty toppings? This article will provide you with homemade pizza calories and nutrients as well as some tips on how to make your own pizzas without all of the unnecessary calories.

Is Pizza A Healthy Choice?

Your favorite pizza may not be as healthy as you think. A medium plain cheese pizza from Domino’s has about 1300 calories and a large pepperoni, extra cheese and sausage pie contains 2300 calories! That is more than the daily intake for most people.

How Many Calories in a Slice of Pizza?

2 slices of thin crust cheese pizza = 220 – 230 calories

3 slices of thin crust pepperoni pizza = 300 – 320 calories

1 slice thin crust mushroom pizza = 180 – 210 calories

1 slice thin crust sausage/pepperoni/ham & pineapple = 250 – 280 calories

1 slice thin crust veggie pizza = 100 – 200 calories

*Calorie counts vary by brand and type of pizza – check the label on your favorite brand to determine how many calories are in a slice. These calorie amounts reflect one slice (1/8th of a pizza) as seen above.* Or you can refer to the detailed information here.

Pizza is generally not considered very healthy food to eat. It can have high fat, sodium and carbohydrate contents, so it’s often thought of as junk food by many people. This doesn’t necessarily have to be the case, however!

If you opt for toppings that are more vegetables than meat, cheese or other fatty ingredients then pizza can be pretty healthy despite the name.

It can be healthy if you make your own at home using fresh, wholesome veggies (like green peppers, onions and tomatoes), lean meats (like chicken or smoked turkey) and other healthy toppings like mushrooms or spinach. You can also use thin crusts instead of thick ones for fewer calories.

This will allow you to enjoy all the flavors you love in a lighter version so it won’t put on weight or create unwanted health issues due to over-indulgence. So go ahead – indulge guilt-free in your favorite pizza whenever you want.

Why Homemade Pizza Is Healthier Than Store-bought Pizza

Homemade pizza is usually healthier than store bought because it’s made with fresh ingredients, so no preservatives are added and fewer homemade pizza calories. The store has to keep the pizzas on the shelf for a long amount of time, so they use ingredients that won’t spoil easily.

Since you will be baking your own at home there is no need for chemical preservatives or stabilizers, which can be detrimental to your health in excess quantities. It’s also more difficult to eat too much homemade pizza since it comes in individual sized portions!

That makes it easy for you to control how much you eat and ensures that you won’t end up over-eating like you might by ordering out.

First off, let’s talk about what sort of ingredients you should use when making homemade pizza.

You can pick whatever toppings you want, but keep in mind that you need to consider the nutritional value of each ingredient as well as its calorie content if you are watching your weight or trying to lose pounds.

For example, broccoli is a healthy food that many people like because it is good for their heart and eyesight. However, broccoli also has more than 100 calories per cup (and quite a few carbs too!).

For this reason, it might not be the best choice for someone who wants to eat healthier pizza while still enjoying a variety of toppings.

Also, don’t forget about the fact that pizza means cheese! Cheese is delicious and nutritious but it does have fat – about 100 calories per ounce.

People often use too much because it’s one of their favorite ingredients to add to their pizzas. Be sure to keep this in mind too when building your pie or else you might end up eating more than you intended.

Homemade Pizza Calories And Nutrition

Homemade Pizza Calories

Now that you know what sort of ingredients you should use for your homemade pizzas, let’s get to the good stuff: the homemade pizza calories and nutrition facts!

A typical store bought pepperoni pizza has about 1250 calories per pie. Pepperoni is a type of sausage made from pork shoulder mixed with salt, garlic, sugar and other spices.

It has quite a lot of fat in it because it’s meant to be cooked before being placed on top of pizzas. This typically means there are at least 50 grams of fat in one medium sized slice!

Even though this might sound like an awful amount, consider that many homemade pizzas have even more than this because people often overload them with fatty toppings.

Cheese also has hundreds of calories in it, and too much cheese can ruin your pizza by making it soggy.

If you don’t like the taste of added veggies on your pizzas then consider using lighter toppings such as chicken or lean beef to add flavor without adding a lot of calories to your homemade pies.

To give you an idea, we analyzed some typical recipes for homemade pizzas so you can get a better picture of what 500 calories or less will look like:

– A thin crust pie with light sauce and vegetables has around 320 calories and 14 grams of fat per serving. Not bad at all!

– Whole wheat crust is healthier than traditional white flour but still contains about 290 calories and 11 grams of fat for every.

– Spaghetti squash makes a great crust alternative because it’s low in calories and fat, although you need to add your own toppings.

– A thin crust of a homemade pizza with chicken breast as a topping has about 350 calories and 9 grams of fat per serving.

Many people love pizza, but are hesitant to make it at home due to the calories. However, if you know to contain your homemade pizza calories, then you can easily adjust the recipe for next time. If you want to enjoy your favorite food guilt-free!

To know homemade pizza calories content, you need to know how many calories are in the ingredients of your homemade pizza?

Homemade Pizza Calories In The Crust

Next down the list is the crust of your homemade pizzas. Traditional white flour isn’t going to do you any favors on this one – it’s high in calories and makes for a soggy dough that won’t taste as good as those made from whole wheat flour or other alternatives.

Just remember that too much bread also means too many carbs so if you have diabetes be sure to check your blood sugar regularly your meal!

If you want to make your pizza healthier without sacrificing too much then go for thin crust pizzas that are baked in the oven instead of frying them in oil.

You can also try using different kinds of bread like sourdough, which is said to give off a better taste than regular white bread.

Homemade Pizza Calories In The Sauce

The next thing on the list is the sauce you spread over top of your homemade pies! Believe it or not but one cup of traditional red sauce will set you back about 100 calories.

If you’re watching your weight then consider trying something else such as low fat cheese spreads which use less ingredients than normal cheese and have less than 2 grams of fat per tablespoon.

If you really love tomatoes then why not try to make your own sauce instead? Add some extra flavor by using ingredients such as garlic, basil and oregano.

Homemade Pizza Calories In The Cheese

You knew this would be on the list! Cheese can add a lot of flavors to your pizzas but it’s also very fatty and contains small amounts of carbs too. If you’re not watching what you eat then one cup could mean more than 200 calories in total and about 15 grams of fat – not good at all!

Instead consider mozzarella cheese which contains fewer calories and carbs per ounce than other types. You can always use less too if you want to save up on calories without missing out on its delicious taste.

It is especially important if you like to pile on a lot of cheese especially because it contains less calories and carbs compared to other types.

Homemade Pizza Calories In The Toppings

It’s time to talk about the most important part – toppings! Vegetables are pretty low in calories but meats can be rather fatty so try to go for leaner choices if you want your pizza dough to be as healthy as possible.

Chicken is a safe choice for dieters because one piece of breast meat contains about 80 calories and 1 gram of fat, making it a great addition to pizzas without adding too many calories.

Lean beef or pork can also do the trick if you have high cholesterol, although they have more than twice the amount of fat as chicken does. The good news is that they are still much better than pepperoni or sausage!

Homemade Pizza Calories In Desserts

It’s time to consider desserts. If you’re watching your weight then you should skip out on pie, cookies and other kinds of sweets because even if it contains fruit they can still have a lot of calories.

One apple turnover for example can have up to 270 calories which is almost half the amount in a slice of cheese pizza, so why not try something else instead?

This recipe for low-fat strawberry cheesecake filling makes delicious pies that are very healthy because there’s no added sugar or oil used in this recipe.

No matter what homemade pizzas you make remember to keep an eye on your calorie intake and avoid using too much cheese!

If you’re not sure how many calories are in your favorite toppings then try researching online or simply use ingredients like low fat cheese spreads instead to save up on some calories.

Homemade Nutrition Facts

As mentioned earlier, there are all sorts of different foods you can put onto your homemade pizza so its nutritional value will vary based on what you choose to add. However, here are some general guidelines for the most common ingredients:

  • Tomato Sauce: 1/2 cup = 25 calories. Tomato sauce has no fat and is very low in sodium. It also contains small amounts of dietary fiber, iron, vitamin A and C.
  • Pizza Dough: 1/4 cup = 40 calories. Without any toppings, pizza dough is pretty much just made out of flour and water. That means that it’s not the best choice if you are watching your weight or trying to eat healthier because it contains almost no vitamins or minerals at all!
  • Pizza sauce on your homemade pizza can add some flavor while only adding 25 calories.
  • Fresh Vegetables: 1 cup = 20-40 calories. Fresh vegetables are a great way to make homemade pizza healthier by cutting back on fat since they have minimal amounts per serving size. For instance, one slice of pepperoni contains almost 10 times more fat than one cup of romaine lettuce.

Let’s talk about what ingredients you should use when making homemade pizza. You can pick any toppings that you want, but keep in mind the nutritional value and calorie content for each ingredient if weight management is a concern.

The healthier the ingredients, the more likely you are to avoid dangerous chemicals or additives that can be harmful to your health.

Thus, homemade pizza is usually healthier than store bought because it’s made with fresh ingredients without any preservatives. The store has to keep the pizzas on the shelf for a long amount of time so they use ingredients that won’t spoil easily.

Since you will be baking your own at home there is no need for chemical preservatives or stabilizers, which can be detrimental to your health in excess quantities. It’s also more difficult to eat too much homemade pizza since comes in individual sized portions!

That makes it easy for you to control how much you and ensures that you won’t end up over-eating like you might by ordering out.

How To Make A Healthy Homemade Pizza Calories

When it comes to eating healthy, there is no need to completely give up things like pizza. There are ways to make them healthier and cut back on fat and calories:

For example, broccoli is a healthy food that many people like because it is good for their heart and eyesight.

However, broccoli also has more than 100 calories per cup (and quite a few carbs too!). For this reason, it might not be the best choice for someone who wants to eat healthier pizza while still enjoying a variety of toppings.

Also, don’t forget to take into account how much cheese you are adding! Many people automatically reach for the cheese when they are making homemade pizza, but most slices of cheese have between 70 – 100 calories each depending on what brand you buy so use with caution.

Most mozzarella cheeses come from pasteurized milk that has been curdled and then strained before being shaped into blocks that age for several months in order to develop their flavors.

They are typically made using whole or part-skim cow’s milk, the latter having fewer calories than whole milk. The best way to reduce fat content in homemade pizzas is by simply cutting back on cheese per serving size – feel free to add more veggies instead!

Everyone loves a gooey slice of pizza, but it’s important to figure out how many calories are in your preferred toppings. This will make it much easier for you to determine if your homemade pizza is healthy or not.

The best way to get the most flavor without too many calories is by adding fresh vegetables like onions, green pepper and tomatoes. These options are full of vitamins and minerals while containing very few carbs which makes them a great choice! 

Additionally, adding lean meats like turkey sausage or ground beef can be healthier than traditional pork products because they are low in fat compared with other types of sausage or beef that might contain saturated fats.

Just remember that any meat will add some fat content so consider using less cheese per serving size in order to compensate for this fact.

Many people choose to eat homemade pizza because it’s healthier than the stuff you order at a restaurant. You can certainly do this, but be careful when picking your toppings!

The easiest way to make your homemade pizza healthy is by adding fresh veggies and cutting back on cheese, but don’t forget that meat will add fat content as well.

Since homemade pizza is much easier to control than delivery or takeout pizzas (usually) you can also consider these options for reducing calories in your diet:

– Wait until there are several hours left in the day before eating lunch and dinner so that both meals contain fewer calories by default

– Use lower calorie breads like whole wheat in place of high-carb white breads and pastas if you make pizza crust from scratch

– Try baking your pizzas instead of deep frying them (just use a breadcrumb and egg white crust for this)

It’s also important to remember that homemade pizza can be even more healthy than restaurant options if you use natural ingredients like low calorie veggies and lean meats. Just keep an eye on how much cheese you’re adding as well!

These tips will help you create healthier homemade pizzas, but remember that it’s still just pizza. All the basic rules of healthy eating apply – never over-indulge and try to eat vegetables whenever possible.

By following these steps, the next time you have a craving for a slice or two of your favorite pizza it won’t be so bad for you anymore.

For your reference: What Cheese Goes On Pizza?

Recipes For Homemade Pizza 

Pizza is a favorite for many people, but it can be difficult to estimate how much pizza you’re eating. One slice of large pizza has about 350 calories. If you eat four slices in one sitting, that’s an extra 1400 calories!

Now, you have known a homemade pizza calories and nutrition content, so how to make a a healthy homemade pizza? We’ll show you some easy ways to make healthy homemade pizzas at home with the same great taste as take-out!

So if you want to enjoy pizza but not all of the extra calories, consider making your own at home! Homemade pizzas won’t cost as much as those from a restaurant and they will be healthier too.

Making your own healthy pizzas at home is pretty easy, too! All you have to do is follow a few simple steps and pick out healthier toppings.

Start by selecting whole-grain bases or making the dough yourself. Whole grains contain more fiber than white flour so they will satiate hunger much faster and for longer periods of time, leaving you less hungry later on!

Crusts made from scratch are always better because you can control how much fat goes into them as well as what other ingredients go onto them afterward. If you don’t have the time or the energy to make the crust from scratch, at least choose crust with minimal junk in it.

Next, load up on veggies! Vegetables are an excellent source of nutrients that your body needs to function properly. They are full of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals so they will nourish you better than meat or fatty ingredients.

This is especially important for children who might not have the healthiest diets otherwise. Many parents feel much more comfortable letting their kids eat pizza if it has a plethora of vegetables on top rather than piles of greasy meats and cheeses.

Finally, avoid fatty ingredients like processed meats and cheeses. Meat toppings should be leaner cuts with little to no skin or fat, while cheese should also be low-fat varieties that are less likely to give you stomach problems later on.

You can always sprinkle on a few dashes of grated parmesan as a finishing touch if you want that extra cheesy taste though! Remember homemade pizza calories and nutrition is very important. Make sure that its calories and nutrition is suitable with your body.

Making Your Own Pizza

You can even make your own homemade pizza if you have time and energy! You just need a few ingredients and a good recipe. Fortunately, we have a great one for you right here:


  • 1 teaspoon active dry yeast
  • 2 tablespoons warm water
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup cornmeal
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Optional Toppings: Tomato sauce, Fresh herbs, Garlic, Onions, Mushrooms, Cheese

You will also need a baking stone.


1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit (220 Celsius). If you are using a pizza stone, place it in the oven while it is heating up.

2. Pour yeast into warm water and stir until completely dissolved. Let sit for ten minutes so that the mixture begins to foam.

3. Combine flour, cornmeal and salt in a large bowl.

4. Add olive oil to yeast mixture before mixing it into the dry ingredients along with 1 cup lukewarm water until combined well but not sticky or doughy. You can also use different variations of this recipe by adding fresh garlic, cinnamon or oregano for extra flavor.

5. Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic, creating a ball that does not stick to your hands or the bowl.

6. Pour some olive oil into another large bowl and place the dough in it, coating the surface with oil so that it does not dry out as you prepare your pizza toppings and bake it.

7. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough into a circle about 12 inches in diameter, using up all of the dough if possible (you may have some leftover).

8. In a small bowl, mix tomato sauce with herbs such as oregano or basil to create a flavorful base for your pizza before adding any cheese or other toppings to it.

9. Spread half of the tomato sauce mixture onto the surface of your pizza dough.

10. Add cheese and other optional toppings to taste.

11. Bake for 20 minutes at 425 degrees Fahrenheit (220 Celsius). Enjoy!

Nutritional Information for One Homemade Pizza

This homemade pizza contains about: 1120 calories, 44 grams carbohydrates, 60 grams protein, 22 grams fat, 2720 milligrams sodium, 34 grams fiber.

In addition, this recipe provides you with a number of healthy nutrients from the olive oil, cheese and vegetables used as toppings on it as well as from the garlic or herbs mixed into the tomato sauce base before adding other ingredients.

For instance, one serving of this homemade pizza provides you with 52% of the daily calcium you need, 48% of your daily iron and 30% of the daily vitamin C you require.

In addition, this recipe provides you with a healthy dose of potassium, vitamin A and B6 from the tomato sauce base, along with a good amount of folate and magnesium from your pizza toppings.

Further Nutritional Information to Consider

Although the majority of the calories in this homemade pizza will come from carbohydrates, these carbs include a fair amount of fiber as well as iron and other essential nutrients.

In addition, this recipe contains a good amount of healthy fats from the olive oil used in dough preparation and low-fat cheese. This homemade pizza also provides you with a few essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, calcium and potassium to keep your body healthy.

In general, this homemade pizza will provide you with plenty of energy from its high carbohydrate content as well as a good dose of fiber to keep yourself full and satisfied for a long period of time.

In addition, the sodium in this recipe ensures that your cells have plenty of healthy fluid pumped through them while the calcium helps build stronger bones and teeth.

For those watching their cholesterol intake, you may want to either reduce or omit the cheese from your homemade pizza before baking it as the majority of your cholesterol intake will likely come from dairy products.

In addition, those concerned about their heart health should remember that although this recipe is high in fat, most of these fats are healthy unsaturated ones. In short, you can enjoy a slice or two of this homemade pizza without feeling guilty about your dietary choices.

Further Considerations for Your Health

Although this homemade pizza provides you with a number of important nutrients, it should only be consumed occasionally as its high fat content makes it difficult to eat in large quantities or on a daily basis.

In addition, those concerned about their sodium intake may wish to reduce the amount of salt used when preparing the pizza sauce and toppings.

In general, this recipe provides you with a healthy homemade pizza that can be consumed in moderation to provide your body with essential nutrients without adding unnecessary empty calories from fats and sugars.

In addition, adding plenty of healthy vegetables will make this dish healthier while also providing you with a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals per serving.


How many calories are in a slice of homemade pizza?

A slice of homemade pizza weighs about 110-140 grams. A slice of this homemade pizza contains about 150-200 calories, 12-15 grams protein, 22-30 grams carbohydrates and 3-5 grams fat.

A recipe for this homemade pizza provides 4 servings. A serving size for a slice of this homemade pizza is about one-quarter of the pizza.

How many carbs are in homemade pizza?

This recipe provides you with healthy carbohydrates that are high in fiber. These carbs will keep you full for a long time while also providing your body with fiber.

What are the nutrients of homemade pizza?

This homemade pizza contains good amounts of fiber, protein and several different vitamins and minerals to keep your body healthy. In addition, the veggies in this recipe provide you with even more nutrients while adding flavor.

What are the health benefits of homemade pizza?

This homemade pizza provides you with a wide variety of minerals, vitamins and nutrients to keep your body healthy. In addition, this recipe contains mostly healthy fats that can improve your heart health while keeping you full for a long period of time.

Is Homemade pizza healthier than take out?

Homemade pizza may provide you with added nutrients and vitamins not found in take out. However, this homemade pizza is generally high in fat which can increase your calorie intake for the day so it should generally be consumed in moderation.

Is Homemade pizza good for weight loss?

This recipe can be a healthy option for weight loss. However, the high fat content of this recipe means that it should generally be consumed in moderation. In addition, eating pizza alone will not help you lose weight as you need to change your lifestyle and eating habits to keep a healthy diet.

Does homemade pizza have less calories?

This homemade pizza provides you with a good dose of protein and carbohydrates to keep your body full for a long period of time. In addition, this recipe contains mostly healthy fats that can improve your heart health while keeping you full for a long period of time.

Is homemade pizza low in cholesterol?

This recipe is not low in cholesterol but consuming it occasionally should not cause any problems for your heart health.

How many calories are homemade pizza sauce?

Homemade pizza sauce does not contain any calories. However, some recipes use oil to prepare the sauce which can add fat and calories depending on how much oil is used.

Can you eat homemade pizza everyday?

In general, this recipe should only be consumed once or twice a week as its high fat content makes it difficult to eat in large quantities or on a daily basis. In addition, those concerned about their sodium intake may wish to reduce the amount of salt used when preparing the pizza sauce and toppings.

What are the disadvantages to making homemade pizza?

One disadvantage of making this homemade pizza is that it takes a long time to make as well as needing various ingredients such as flour and yeast. In addition, those on special diets should remember to take any dietary restrictions into account when preparing this dish to ensure they are eating a healthy homemade pizza.

What can you put on top of your pizza to make it healthier?

Making your homemade pizza healthier can be as simple as adding a variety of vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and tomatoes. In addition, you should reduce the amount of salt used when preparing the toppings to keep your sodium intake in check.

What vegetables can you use to make homemade pizza?

You can use various vegetables when preparing this homemade pizza including peppers, onions, olives and tomatoes. You can also add in certain spices like oregano or basil depending on your preference.

What type of cheese is best to use for homemade pizza? 

You can use various types of cheese when making this homemade pizza including mozzarella, provolone and cheddar among others.

What is the best way to cook homemade pizza?

The best way to cook this homemade pizza is by preheating your oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit before placing the pizza in the oven for between 10-20 minutes depending on how well done you want your pizza.

Conclusion on Homemade Pizza Calories And Nutrition

Pizza is a good choice when trying to develop a well-rounded diet, but it should be eaten in moderation because of its high fat and sodium content. Instead, try making this healthy homemade pizza in order to feel like you are indulging without actually doing so much damage to your waistline and overall health!

Homemade pizza is a delicious and healthy alternative to fast-food. If you’re looking for a way to incorporate more home cooking into your diet, try making homemade pizzas with these recipes that will satisfy your taste buds while maintaining the nutritional benefits of fresh ingredients!

We hope this article has helped show how easy it can be to make nutritious food at home using simple techniques like baking on parchment paper or adding extra veggies. Don’t forget about our recipe section if you need some inspiration in the future!

When you make your own pizza, you control the ingredients and can ensure it is a healthy meal with suitable homemade pizza calories content. You want to avoid using too many carbs or fats in order to stay away from any potential weight gain.

The best way to achieve this goal is by choosing lean meat toppings like turkey pepperoni for protein and vegetables such as broccoli for fiber. By making smart decisions about what goes on top of your homemade pizza crust, you’ll be able to enjoy all the benefits that come with cooking at home without sacrificing flavor!

So we certainly hope we have piqued your interest in homemade pizzas. Now that we’ve given you some great information concerning homemade pizza calories and nutritional value let’s get into how to get started with making one at home for yourself! In our next article, we will be covering the simple steps involved in making your own.

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How To Make Homemade Pizza With Store Bought Dough?