How To Cook In A Pizza Oven. Some Tips & Recipes
In the modern world, there are many ways that people can cook their meals. For some, they may use a stovetop or an oven to cook their food. However, for those who love pizza and want a taste of Italy in their own home, a great alternative is a pizza oven.
Cooking in a pizza oven is something that many people have never done before, but with the right tools and knowledge, anyone can do it. The first step to cooking in a pizza oven is having the proper equipment.
A good set of kitchen tongs for checking on your food will be helpful as well as an oven mitt or potholder for removing food from the hot stone surface of the oven. Another important tool you will need is a pair of long-handled metal spatulas.
These are used to slide under foods so they don’t stick to the floor of the oven while cooking or when transferring cooked items off onto plates or cutting boards.
Cooking in a pizza oven can be difficult if you have no idea what to do. So, how to cook in a pizza oven?
In this article, we will cover all you need to know about using this product including how it works, how to cook in a pizza oven and some recipes for easy dishes you can cook in your pizza oven. It can be a lot of fun to cook with one of these unique appliances and even more rewarding when your friends and family rave about how great your homemade pie tastes! If you’re ready, let’s get started!
What Is A Pizza Oven And How Does It Work
What is a pizza oven
A pizza oven is similar to an ordinary kitchen oven, but it has a stone floor instead of the metal tray that many conventional ovens have. This stone floor allows for quick and even heating throughout the entire oven.
When the heat is turned up high, this surface becomes very hot and can produce excellent cooking results. The best thing about pizza ovens is their ability to hold in moisture while cooking, leaving your food moist inside while creating a crispy crust on the outside!
Explore the history of a pizza oven
Pizza ovens were first invented by Italian bakers over 2000 years ago and they’ve been growing in popularity ever since.
A modern pizza oven is made of thick, brick or stone walls with an arched metal door to seal the heat inside. They typically include a ledge for holding wood and/or charcoal along with two metal racks where your pizzas sit while cooking.
A traditional oven will use coal and wood for its fuel source and often includes a special compartment where you can add more coals mid-cooking without opening the door to the main part of the oven.
Some newer models use gas as their fuel source instead of coal or wood which allows for faster preheating times as well as no smoky, burnt taste in your pizza crust.
As far as how to cook in a pizza oven goes, most traditional ovens need at least two hours to preheat fully. While they preheat, you can prepare your dough and toppings in advance so they are ready to go when it’s time for the final cooking stage.
Once the stone is hot enough (which can be seen by using an oven thermometer), place the rolled-out dough inside with toppings on top plus any cheeses or sauces you may want.
After closing the door, your pizza will usually cook in about three minutes which is just long enough to melt everything together into deliciousness!
While many homes have access to a modern stovetop or conventional oven, a pizza oven is truly unique and offers a personal touch that can’t be replicated. It’s an excellent way to cook for parties of all sizes and the wood-fired results will impress your guests.
If you’re ready to learn more about how to cook in a pizza oven (or simply want some recipes for cooking in your new oven), continue on!
Since its invention over 2000 years ago, many people have enjoyed the flavor and convenience of purchasing pre-made pizzas from their local grocery store or restaurant.
However, making your own at home not only saves you money but also gives you the freedom to choose toppings and sauces that suit your tastes exactly.
How does it work?
In order to know how to cook in a pizza oven, we first need to learn how it works to create a great pizza.
A conventional oven heats up all around so your food cooks evenly. This can be perfect for meats but it’s not good for breads and other things that need to rise since the heat is too intense to allow the dough to double in size before cooking begins.
A pizza oven uses flames or charcoal along with fast-rising air which means you don’t have to worry about an undercooked center while trying to prevent burning on top.
By placing your pizza dough inside at least one hour before cooking, you’ll give it time to rise until it doubles in size before hitting the hot floor of your oven where each side will cook quickly since it’s already thick and raised.
The high temperature (which ranges around 500 degrees Fahrenheit) sears the outside layer of your pizza and melts the ingredients on top while allowing for a crispy and browned underside.
What makes great pizzas?
To make great-tasting pizza in an outdoor pizza oven, you need to think about what goes into them so they taste good when you take them out. There are many different ingredients that can be used including meats like chicken or ham or vegetables like mushrooms and olives.

You can even add some cheese like mozzarella to top your pizza with something a bit tastier! An ideal pizza contains both sauce, cheese, and any other topping you desire so that each bite has a taste of everything.
Depending on the ingredients, baking times will vary from 10 minutes to over 20 minutes depending on what you choose to put in it.
How To Cook In A Pizza Oven
A Quick Guide To Oven Temperatures & Methods
The best way to cook a delicious meal is in the only place that really matters: your own kitchen. But sometimes we have no choice, so here’s how you can get started with wood-fired ovens from scratch!
Wood-burning stoves are great because they’re easy on fuel costs while delivering higher quality food than traditionalists or fans of electric ranges who want extra heating elements near their pots/panini press stations – which also happen be easy spots for hosting dinner parties these days given all those glass tables being installed everywhere especially at high-end restaurants.
The following guide will help you find the perfect temperature and cooking method for your favorite dish. Make sure that if it’s done in a wood-fired oven, then refer back to this table!
To be how to cook in a pizza oven with a variety of dishes, not only pizza but also a party with many other dishes, the temperature in the oven is the important key to having a great party.
Good information on what temperatures are best suited as well as different methods used when preparing food such as roasting vegetables over an open fire or baking cookies at higher altitudes so they don’t melt too quickly before their time is up.
How to cook in a pizza oven
1. Pizza dough rolled out into smaller pieces cooked in different ways with cheese and toppings of choice cooked in oven at 400°F until golden brown (8-10 minutes) then add remaining ingredients (tomato sauce/oil/garlic etc) and bake until golden on top (4-5 more minutes).
2. Olive oil added along with garlic before baking the crust 8-10 minutes at 400°F. Tomato sauce, garlic, and chili flakes added after baking the crust for 4-5 minutes.
3. Olive oil added along with garlic before baking the crust 8-10 minutes at 400°F then chopped garlic, basil, oregano, salt, sugar and flour mixed together into paste before spreading thin on top of four slices baked for 10 minutes 350°F (golden brown). Honey drizzled over top when serving/eating.
4. Butter melted with sugar and garlic cooked down thin added with flour to create thick paste spread onto thin French bread pizza slices baked in oven 350°F 10 minutes or golden brown (parbaked). Drizzle honey on top when serving/eating.
This is a brief summary of recipes as well as an introduction to pizza ovens and how they work, as well as how to cook in a pizza oven, including suggested cooking times/temperatures, general prep work, and pairing suggestions. Recipes will also be included where possible for those looking to cook something new!
How to cook in a pizza oven for more than just pizzas
When you think of a pizza oven, your first thought may be making pizzas but there are plenty of other foods that can be cooked using this method!
Since a pizza oven can be used for both coal-fired or gas-fueled cooking, you don’t have to only think about making pizzas. Many people will use this product for things like grilled vegetables, focaccia bread, and even flatbreads.
If you’re planning on hosting an outdoor party filled with tasty treats, your new oven is ideal since it allows multiple people to cook at once without bothering one another.
Everyone can choose what they want to eat while the host of the party keeps their eye on the overall progress before taking out freshly cooked items as they are finished. Now that you know how to cook in a pizza oven, start thinking about some delicious possibilities!
1) Bread and Rolls
If you like fresh-baked bread with your meal, simply roll out some dough on a floured surface before heating it up in the oven.
It only takes five to ten minutes for most loaves or rolls to cook completely so it’s easy to make several batches at once if you’re serving more people than just yourself.
Bread is quick cooking which means you’ll enjoy fresh baked goods all evening long!
2) Baked Potatoes
While these don’t take too long to cook (about an hour), they do take quite a bit of time to heat up in the oven. If you’re cooking for a crowd, it’s best to prepare everything else before sitting down to eat while baked potatoes are cooking away in the fireplace or on top of the charcoal.
3) Veggies
Whether boiled, steamed, roasted, or grilled, any fresh vegetables can be cooked by placing them inside the pizza oven while waiting for the dough to rise before baking pizzas. Grill some zucchini slices over an open flame and serve alongside your meal!
4) Grilled Steaks
While proper BBQ grills can be used, an outdoor pizza oven has the perfect hot surface to sear the outside of meat while cooking it perfectly on the inside. Toss some potatoes or veggies in after your steaks are done and enjoy a good meal with friends!
5) Roasted Chicken
Make your own rotisserie by skewering pieces of chicken onto a long handle before placing them over charcoal coals for up to 30 minutes of slow cooking which guarantees tender meat that falls off the bone when you pick it up!
You can also choose to baste your chicken with sauces during cooking for more flavor.
6) S’mores
Everyone loves a good s’more when camping and what better way to cook them than by placing marshmallows on a stick over hot coals or in a pizza oven near the beginning of cooking.
Cooking your s’mores brings out the warm gooeyness of melted chocolate mixed with sweet roasted marshmallows inside each one.
Pocket these tips for pizza oven cooking, specifically what to cook in a pizza oven and how to cook in a pizza oven with different foods.
Can be used for more than just pizza!
Outdoor pizza oven cooking is great for pizzas, but you can also bake bread, roast meats like chicken and steak, make s’mores, and even boil vegetables or potatoes while you wait.
It’s also an excellent starter device that gets your fire started easily because it radiates heat into surrounding areas with a mild amount of smoke.

You can start cooking almost anything inside the pizza oven by placing it on the floor of the oven, close to the coals. This is a tip for those looking to make s’mores as well!
You don’t have to go out and buy an outdoor pizza oven just for pizzas because you can use them as a regular charcoal grill or Dutch oven if you choose! You can refer to the best dutch ovens for bread on the market today.
Just build your fire from wood before heating up some dough on a floured surface and let it cook away near the hot coals so everything finishes at about the same time!
You can put whatever toppings you want on top of your pizza once it’s done cooking but remember that pre-cooked ingredients like cooked bacon take less time than leafy vegetables that are still raw.
Overcooking food is the #1 problem with pizza oven cooking in! Because everything cooks so quickly (about 5-10 minutes) it’s important to keep an eye on what you’re baking at all times.
You can’t walk away from food while it cooks or else you’ll come back to burnt bread, soggy vegetables, and even burned pizzas if you don’t pay attention to how long each one has been cooking for.
Generally, meats take between 10-20 minutes to cook thoroughly while loaves of bread only need around an hour before they’re done completely. Look up the specific cooking times for your favorite foods on websites like Allrecipes.com or FoodNetwork.
Benefits Of Cooking In A Pizza Oven
Now you know how to cook in a pizza oven, that is not just for pizza! The benefits of cooking in a pizza oven don’t end when it’s time to cook a pizza!
You can also use the high temperatures and constant airflow inside a wide-mouth oven to prepare almost any other types of food you enjoy including bread, vegetables, meats, and even dessert.
Once your food is cooked in a pizza oven, you’ll be able to enjoy it in one of two ways: either whole or broken into pieces.
You won’t have to slice your meat since the heat will tend to make it fall apart on its own after being sliced from the bone so you can serve it right onto people’s plates without them worrying about bones getting in their way.
You don’t have to order takeout if you’re not feeling up for cooking yourself, just know that a pizza oven can be a great way to spend a night with a friend or loved one.
Why you should buy a pizza oven instead of pre-made pizzas from the store
1) Save money by purchasing all your ingredients at wholesale prices and making them yourself!
Pizza ovens are more energy-efficient than modern stoves, often lasting twice as long with half the fuel requirements. They also offer an unparalleled taste that can’t be found outside of homemade cooking.
2) Personal touch: Making your own pizzas means that everyone gets exactly what they want without having to compromise on their favorite toppings or flavors.
You don’t even have to wait until dinner time to use it since the stovetop function will cook eggs and fry bacon just as well as it does dough!
3) Dinner party: They’re excellent for hosting parties of any size.
You can prepare all the dough and toppings the day before so that cooking is simple and stress-free when everyone arrives. In fact, many people prefer to use a pizza oven over a conventional oven since they get better results in less time!
4) Easy to use: It’s not nearly as complicated or messy as you might imagine!
While it does require some practice before you’ll be able to toss the dough around like a pro, you’ll soon discover how easy it really is. Once your new stove is up and running, follow our quick tutorial on how to cook in a pizza oven below!
Tips For Using Your New Pizza Oven
Tips for using a pizza oven
1) Pre-heat your oven for at least an hour before cooking so that it gets nice and hot when you add the pizzas! This will help make the crust extra crispy.
2) After preheating, turn off one side of the heat and adjust any vents so that they’re not blowing hot air into your kitchen
3) Add a little salt: Sprinkle a few pinches of salt onto the bottom of your dough to give it that crisp, delicious flavor that can only be found in homemade pizzas!
4) Pizza orders by size: If you’re hosting a large party, you may have different people asking for different types of pizza with various toppings.
It might be easier to arrange them in order from largest to smallest so that nobody is fighting over who gets what or ends up with all the mushrooms.
5) Don’t forget to use a cooling rack once your pizzas are done cooking! You can also use it to heat bread if you like having fresh slices of bread alongside your homemade pizzas.
6) Sometimes there are vent holes in the top of the pizza oven – these are helpful if you want to cook other foods besides pizza
7) Remember that everyone has different tastes when it comes to cooking, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different recipes or toppings in order to find the best flavors for you and your guests.
8) Just in case…keep a fire extinguisher nearby just in case! Pizza ovens are much more efficient than stoves but they do require some caution when in use.
We recommend keeping small children and animals at least five feet away from the stove while it is on (especially since there’s no turning back after adding the dough!).
9) If you have any old appliance parts lying around the house, feel free to use them during pizza night! We all know that a variety of shapes and sizes makes for a more interesting meal. Don’t be afraid to get creative!
10) Don’t forget that there’s no shame in the store-bought crust or frozen toppings.
You can always experiment with new flavors on your own time, but it is still important not to burn out during the first few months of trying something new. Remember that it will take some time until you get used to cooking using a pizza oven.
11) Prep your dough and toppings the night before so that there’s less work and mess for you to clean up on pizza day!
12) Your oven is now fully equipped for baking pizzas, bread, and desserts; simply follow our tutorial on how to cook in a pizza oven below!
Tips for pizza oven cooking
If you want to know how to cook in a pizza oven, there are many different things you can do to make sure it comes out right each time.
First, make sure your dough is flattened down (or rolled out) until it reaches at least one-quarter inch in thickness which will keep it from rising too much as it cooks.
Add toppings like cheese or sauces just before cooking begins so they don’t burn off during the first stage of baking.
A good rule of thumb is that if you’re using dough with a high-fat content such as olive oil, wait until the end before adding cheeses and other toppings so they don’t burn.
If you want to start out small and just get a feel for cooking in your oven, try using it for meats and vegetables first before trying pizza dough.

For example, chicken cooked in a pizza oven has a great taste and is often stuffed with cheese or other ingredients that add extra flavors when they melt and mix in with the sauce and meat.
This can be done by skimming off excess fat from meats before you cook them (like chicken) or by adding ingredients like mozzarella directly inside of the meat (such as ham).
Once you’ve started making pizzas frequently (or even simply tasting the difference between fresh-made vs store-bought), you’ll come up with your own cooking tips and time estimates that you can rely on when you decide to try something new.
You might find that the dough needs less than the 10 minutes it typically takes to cook and will become crispier if cooked at a higher temperature for longer.
The best way to make sure your pizza is done is by using a meat thermometer which should read at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit when inserted into the center of your dough.
Save and share these pizza oven cooking and using tips! Now we are going to suggest you a few recipes not only for pizza but for more than. And Now For Some Recipes!
Pizza Recipes For Your New Pizza Oven
Since cooking with one is so straightforward, there isn’t much that can go wrong! All you need to remember is how hot your stove gets and how quickly everything cooks once it’s inside.
You’ll also want to make sure you’ve got the right ingredients before starting so that everything finishes at roughly the same time.
The following recipes are designed for either two people or four people depending on what kind of meals they prefer to eat every day. However, if you’re hosting more guests then simply increase the number of each ingredient accordingly!
Remember not to crowd your cooking surface with too many pizzas at once or else they won’t be evenly cooked on all sides. For best results, keep your stove as organized as possible so that you have room to move the pizzas around for even cooking.
Here are some recipes that show you detailed how to cook in a pizza oven to create a great pizza party.

Pizza dough
What you need:
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp garlic powder
- 2/3 cup water
How to cook it: Combine everything into a mixing bowl and knead until smooth elastic ball forms between your fingers. Let sit for 10 minutes before rolling out on a floured surface.
Topping suggestions: Anything! Be creative with different cheeses, meats, veggies and spices. The only must-have items are olive oil or butter to keep things from sticking to the bottom of your oven and mozzarella cheese if you want to be traditional!
Cheese and pepperoni pizza
What you need:
- Pizza dough
- 4 tbsp olive oil
- 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese
- 1 cup sliced pepperoni or salami
How to cook it: Roll out the dough as thin as you can onto a floured surface. Add 3 tbsp of olive oil evenly on top before covering with cheese and toppings. Bake at 400°F until the bottom browns up (8-10 minutes). Add remaining tbsp of olive oil and continue baking until everything is golden on top (4-5 more minutes).
Chicken pesto pizza
What you need:
- Pizza dough
- 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
- 1/2 cup pesto
- 1/2 cup cooked chicken strips
How to cook it: Roll out your dough as thin as you can onto a floured surface. Add 2 tbsp of olive oil evenly on top before covering with cheese and toppings. Bake at 400°F until the bottom browns up (8-10 minutes). Add remaining tomato sauce and continue baking until everything is golden on top (4-5 more minutes).
Spicy honey pizza
What you need:
- Pizza dough
- 4 tbsp butter or margarine
- 3 cloves garlic chopped finely
- 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
- 2 tbsp chili flakes
How to cook it: Roll out your dough as thin as you can onto a floured surface. Add 3 tbsp of olive oil evenly on top before covering with cheese and toppings. Bake at 400°F until the bottom browns up (8-10 minutes). Add finely chopped garlic and continue baking until everything is golden on top (4-5 more minutes).
Add chili flakes to taste before enjoying!
Dinner party pizzas
Appetizer: Pre-made French bread pizza topped with a few spoonfuls of pre-made marinara sauce, a dash of garlic powder and finished off with a little sprinkling of Parmesan cheese. Simply pop them in your oven for about five minutes or until comfortably warm throughout. Serve alongside some chilled pasta salad as an appetizer before moving onto the main course.
Main course:
You’ll need about half a cup of olive oil, 2 tbsp garlic powder, 4-5 cloves garlic chopped finely and salt to your taste before mixing it with 1/2 tsp each of basil leaves and oregano in a medium-sized bowl.
Slice up whatever meat you prefer (chicken breast or pork work well) and add that into the mix plus any vegetables to give it more flavor (mushrooms, bell peppers, etc).
Let everything marinate for 20 minutes while you preheat your oven to 500°F. Add 3 tbsp of olive oil evenly on top before baking until everything is golden brown (8-10 minutes). Serve alongside some steamed veggies for a complete meal!
Melt 2 tbsp of butter, stir in 1/4 cup sugar and 4-5 cloves garlic. Add flour to thicken the mixture into a paste then spread it flat onto four slices of French bread pizza using the backside of a fork to create holes for topping.
Sprinkle 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese evenly on each slice before popping them into the oven at 350°F for 10 minutes or until golden brown. Let sit for 5 minutes before drizzling with honey for dessert or as an appetizer!
Alcoholic drink suggestions
Pair your fresh pizzas with something cold and boozy! A nice glass of crisp white wine goes great with any cheese-loaded pizza while a deep red blend can work wonders on a spicy, pepperoni-based meal. Alternatively, try pairing your pizza with an ice-cold beer for some added punch!
Other Suggestions
If you’re looking for a good pizza dough recipe try this one:
- 1 packet active dry yeast or 2 1/4 tsp.
- 1 cup warm water (115-125°F)
- 2 tbsp olive oil + more for separating the dough from the bowl & shaping it out.
- 3 cups all-purpose flour + 1/2 cup extra – keep separate from main 3 cups until ready to knead into dough.
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp sugar
Amount per serving: 8 – 10 servings
Kitchen items you will need: Parchment paper/Silpat or nonstick cooking/baking sheets, rolling pin, cutting board/countertop, bowl to mix ingredients in, plastic wrap, spoon(s), measuring spoons & cups, oven mitts/oven gloves
Kitchen tools you will need: fork(s) (optional), large spoon (optional), whisk (optional)
Prep time: Artisan Pizza Dough – 1 hour; Baking Time For Crusts – 10 to 30 minutes
Cooking time: 8-14 minutes depending on crust/toppings
How to cook it:
- In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Add 2 tbsp olive oil and 1 cup of flour along with salt and sugar. Mix until combined before adding the rest of the flour.
- Knead dough on a floured surface for 10 minutes or until smooth/elastic as possible using as little extra flour as needed. Place dough into an oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise 1 hour or until doubled in size (if you can’t wait that long then proceed to the next step).
- Punch down the dough and split into four equal sections, roll each section out into a flat disk shape about 12-16″ across and place it onto a baking sheet(s) lined with nonstick paper like Silpats or parchment paper.
- Brush the dough disks with olive oil before stacking them one on top of another and separating them using a sheet of plastic wrap dipped in oil. Let rest for 30 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 400°F (204°C) for at least 45 minutes, place a pizza stone in oven if you have one, otherwise line bottom rack with heavy-duty foil to catch any drippings.
- Dust countertop with cornmeal then transfer first disk onto counter/table taking care not to stretch it out too much – start from center and work your way outwards turning dough 1/4 turn after each push down into dough until round is complete, remain dusting lightly with flour + cornmeal as needed so that pizza slides around easily on the counter without sticking.
- Roll dough back up onto the rolling pin and unroll onto the pizza stone or foil-lined bottom rack in the oven.
- Cook until golden brown (8-10 minutes), remove, add toppings of choice along with remaining ingredients; bake again until golden brown on top (4-5 more minutes).
- Repeat process for remaining pizzas.
Suggested wine pairing:
Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, a bold Italian red which is full-bodied with notes of meat and oak. When you pour a glass of this savory, medium to full-bodied wine the first thing you’ll notice is its richness.
As it opens up in the glass, flavors of tart cherry and pomegranate will burst to the forefront as well as aromas of leather and tobacco from aging in French Oak barrels.
In order to achieve this sought-after taste, many winemakers in Italy dry farm their vineyards meaning they don’t irritate the vines during the growing season which allows the plant to focus all of its energy on grape production.
The resulting wine is well structured with flavors of black cherry and licorice that will complement any pizza pie!
Recipes For Easy Dishes
Recipes for other foods you can cook in a pizza oven, such as breads and dessert items. Please continue to know how to cook in a pizza oven with others food.
1) How to pull pork flavored with an apple cider and bourbon marinade
- 4 lb. boneless pork roast
- 1/4 cup bourbon
- 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper, or to taste
- 1 tsp chili powder, or to taste
- 3 tbsp brown sugar
- 2 tbsp hot sauce (e.g., Frank’s RedHot)
- 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper, as needed
How to cook it:
- In a large bowl, whisk together the bourbon, cayenne pepper, chili powder, brown sugar, hot sauce and apple cider vinegar. Put the pork into a resealable bag then pour in the marinade. Seal up the bag and refrigerate overnight.
- Remove the meat from refrigerator 30 minutes before you’re ready to start cooking it so that it comes closer to room temperature. Season generously with salt and black pepper as needed for your barbecue rub, working some into those hard to reach areas where you can’t see the meat (e.g., underneath skin).
- Transfer pork roast to a baking dish or roasting pan fitted with a rack then place in oven on middle rack positioned 5 inches away from element(s) preheated to 250°F (122°C).
- Cook until meat is fork tender and registers an internal temperature between 200°F (93°C) – 205°F (96.1°C), about 4 hours. Keep cooking time within 1 to 2 hours after the first reading then remove from oven, transfer back to a large bowl and shred with a pair of forks.
- Skim off any excess fat floating on top of the juices at the bottom of the bowl before serving or store in fridge up to 5 days or freezer for months.
For serving:
Serve pulled pork flavored with an apple cider and marinade in hamburger buns or rolls accompanied by your favorite barbecue sauce.
2) How to cook steak in a pizza oven
Ingredients for the marinade:
- 1 cup olive oil
- 2 tbsp. crushed garlic cloves
- 3 sprigs fresh rosemary, finely chopped
- 4 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
- Salt and pepper, to taste
Ingredients for the steaks:
- 5 New York strip steaks, about 3/4-inch thick
- 1 tsp. salt
- 3 tsp. black pepper
How to cook it:
- In a large bowl whisk together the olive oil, garlic cloves, rosemary and balsamic vinegar. Season with salt and pepper then place in a sealable plastic bag along with the steaks and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes (up to 8 hours).
- Preheat oven as high as it will go (500°F/260°C). Remove steaks from bag and season with salt and pepper. Transfer to a large roasting pan or baking dish fitted with a rack positioned 5 inches away from element(s) preheated to 500°F (260°C).
- Cook until well seared, about 1 minute per side.
- Transfer pan to middle rack positioned 5 inches away from element(s) turned off then transfer steaks to baking sheet and cook in oven until they reach an internal temperature of between 115°F-118°F (46°C-48°C), about 15 minutes.
- Transfer to a plate and let steak rest 5 minutes before serving.
3) How to cook ribs in a pizza oven
- 1 rack baby back pork ribs (about 3 lbs.)
- 1 tsp chili powder
- 1 tsp paprika
- 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
- 2 tbsp brown sugar
- 2 to 3 tbsp cold water
How to cook it:
- Preheat oven to 250°F (122°C).
- In a large bowl, whisk together the chili powder, paprika, apple cider vinegar and brown sugar. Set aside.
- Remove the pork ribs from their packaging then trim off any excess fat around the edge of each rack. Cut each rack in half then transfer them one at a time into the bowl with the vinegar-sugar mixture.
- Make sure that each rack is well coated then place back into resealable plastic bag before transferring to fridge for at least 1 hour or up to 8 hours.
- Transfer ribs onto baking sheet fitted with a rack positioned 5 inches away from element(s) preheated to 250°F (122°C).
- Cook ribs for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until the meat easily falls off the bone.
- Transfer back to a large bowl and pour 2 tbsp of cold water over each rack and mix well then re-season if desired before serving. Serve with your choice of barbecue sauce on the side.
4) How to cook roasted vegetables and potatoes in a pizza oven
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 1 zucchini, chopped into 1-inch cubes
- 1 bell pepper (red/yellow), deseeded and cut into chunks of equal size
- 4 large potatoes (about 2 lbs.), scrubbed clean then quartered lengthwise before cutting across the middle to create small triangles that are about 1-inch wide at most
- 1 can crushed tomatoes (28 oz./796 mL)
- Salt and pepper, to taste.
How to cook it:
- Preheat oven as high as it will go (500°F/260°C).
- Transfer potatoes onto one baking sheet fitted with a rack positioned 5 inches away from element(s) preheated to 500°F (260°C).
- Pour olive oil over potatoes then season with salt and pepper. Cook until well seared, about 1 minute per side.
- Transfer pan to middle rack then transfer bell peppers into bowl with crushed tomatoes then mix until combined.
- Add zucchini and onion before pouring tomato-bell pepper sauce evenly over potatoes and vegetables.
- Cook for 30 minutes or until the edges of the potato start to turn golden brown. Remove from oven once finished cooking and set aside to cool for at least 20 minutes before serving warm alongside any main dish of your choice.
5) How to cook pork chops in a pizza oven
- 4 thick-cut bone-in pork chops (about 1 lbs. each)
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 red onion, finely chopped
- 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 1 jar prepared pesto sauce (15 oz./450 g)
How to cook it:
- Preheat oven as high as it will go (500°F/260°C).
- Season pork chops with salt and pepper before transferring one onto a baking sheet fitted with a rack positioned 5 inches away from element(s) preheated to 500°F (260°C).
- Repeat steps until all of the pork chops have been seasoned and placed on the baking sheet.
- Cook until well seared, about 1 minute per side before transferring baking sheet to middle rack.
- Transferred onion and garlic into bowl with pesto sauce then mix until combined. Add the mixture onto the top of each seared pork chop.
- Cook for 9 minutes or until well seared, basting regularly with pesto glaze during the cooking process.
- Remove from oven once finished cooking and set aside to cool for at least 10 minutes before serving warm alongside any main dish of your choice. Enjoy!
6) How to cook grilled pineapple and chicken in a pizza oven
- 4 skinless, boneless chicken thighs (about 1 lbs. each)
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 1 onion, coarsely chopped into large chunks of equal size
- 2 cups pineapple chunks (fresh preferred)
How to cook it:
- Preheat oven as high as it will go (500°F/260°C).
- Season both sides of the chicken with salt and pepper before transferring one onto a baking sheet fitted with a rack positioned 5 inches away from element(s) preheated to 500°F (260°C).
- Repeat steps until all of the chicken has been seasoned and placed on the baking sheet.
- Cook until well seared, about 1 minute per side before transferring baking sheet to middle rack.
- Transfer garlic and onion into bowl with olive oil before mixing everything together using a wooden spoon to make sure all ingredients are evenly distributed.
- Add mixture onto the top of each seared chicken thigh; ensuring that the entire surface area has been covered in garlic-onion glaze.
- Place pineapple chunks around each piece of chicken (with skinned side up) then cook for 15 minutes or until well seared, basting regularly with homemade garlic-onion glaze during the cooking process.
- Remove from oven once finished cooking then set aside to cool for at least 10 minutes before serving warm alongside any main dish of your choice. Enjoy!
7) How to cook shrimp in a pizza oven
- 2 lbs. shrimp (deveined and peeled)
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- 5 cloves garlic, chopped finely
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 onion, coarsely chopped into large chunks of equal size
How to cook it:
- Preheat oven as high as it will go (500°F/260°C).
- Season both sides of the shrimp with salt and pepper before transferring one onto a baking sheet fitted with a rack positioned 5 inches away from element(s) preheated to 500°F (260°C).
- Repeat steps until all of the shrimp has been seasoned and placed on the baking sheet.
- Cook until well seared, about 1 minute per side before transferring baking sheet to middle rack.
- Transfer garlic into bowl with olive oil then mix everything together using a wooden spoon to make sure all ingredients are evenly distributed.
- Add mixture onto the top of each seared shrimp; ensuring that the entire surface area has been covered in garlic-olive oil glaze.
- Cook for 5 minutes or until well seared, basting regularly with homemade garlic-onion glaze during the cooking process.
- Remove from oven once finished cooking and set aside to cool for at least 10 minutes before serving warm alongside any main dish of your choice. Enjoy!
8) How to cook salmon in a pizza oven
- 4 skinless, boneless salmon fillets (about 1 lbs. each)
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- 5 cloves garlic, chopped finely
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 onion, coarsely chopped into large chunks of equal size
How to cook it:
- Preheat oven as high as it will go (500°F/260°C).
- Season both sides of the salmon with salt and pepper before transferring one onto a baking sheet fitted with a rack positioned 5 inches away from element(s) preheated to 500°F (260°C).
- Repeat steps until all of the salmon has been seasoned and placed on the baking sheet.
- Cook until well seared, about 1 minute per side before baking sheet to middle rack.
- Transfer garlic into bowl with olive oil before mixing everything together using a wooden spoon to make sure all ingredients are evenly distributed.
- Add mixture onto the top of each seared salmon; ensuring that the entire surface area has been covered in garlic-oil glaze.
- Cook salmon fillets for 15 minutes or until well seared, basting regularly with homemade garlic-onion glaze during cooking process.
- Remove from oven once finished cooking and set aside to cool for at least 10 minutes before serving warm alongside any main dish of your choice. Enjoy!
9) How to make a chocolate cake in a pizza oven
- 1 cup unsalted butter (softened)
- 2 cups granulated sugar
- 4 large eggs (beaten)
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/4 cup cocoa powder
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract (or another favorite flavor)
- 3/4 cup milk (at room temperature)
How to cook it:
- Preheat oven as high as it will go (500°F/260°C).
- Place parchment paper on the bottom of 10 inch round cake pan before pouring enough boiling water into the pan to cover the parchment paper.
- Allow to sit for 5 minutes then carefully drain excess water before placing dry, empty cake pan onto middle rack.
- Whisk together cocoa powder with baking soda using a small bowl until well combined then set aside.
- Cream together butter andulated sugar in another smaller mixing bowl using an electric mixer until light and fluffy before adding dry ingredients.
- Mix all wet ingredients together in one bowl then create a well in the center of them before adding vanilla extract.
- Mix everything together with an electric mixer at low speed until smooth, scraping down the side of the bowl as necessary to ensure that everything is mixed evenly.
- Add eggs gradually to your batter one at a time until fully incorporated after which you should switch back to your electric beater if you have any left over – if not, mix by hand using a wooden spoon or spatula for best results.
- Pour into prepped cake pan then place entire baking sheet into oven on its very top rack only – do NOT open oven door during cooking process unless absolutely necessary!
- Cook for 45 minutes or until well seared, making sure to baste with melted chocolate regularly during cooking process.
- Remove from oven and set aside to cool for at least 10 minutes before serving warm alongside any main dish of your choice. Enjoy!
10) How to cook bread in a pizza oven
- Baguette, ciabatta or other favorite bread of your choice
- 2 tbsp. unsalted butter (softened)
- 1/8 cup finely grated parmesan cheese
How to cook it:
- Preheat oven as high as it will go (500°F/260°C).
- Place parchment paper on the bottom of baking sheet before pouring enough boiling water into the pan to cover the parchment paper.
- Allow to sit for 5 minutes then carefully drain excess water before placing dry, empty baking sheet onto middle rack.
- Whip together softened butter with parmesan using a small bowl until this is evenly mixed before removing your now-heated baking sheet from the oven and dividing mixture onto parchment paper before spreading it out thinly.
- Place bread directly on top of mixture and set back into oven on its very top rack only – do NOT open the oven door during cooking process unless absolutely necessary!
- Cook for 5-8 minutes or until well seared, making sure to baste with melted butter regularly during cooking process.
- Remove from heat and set aside to cool for at least 10 minutes before serving warm alongside any main dish of your choice. Enjoy!
If you follow all of these steps correctly, you should be able to make a delicious meal with using your pizza oven.
Cooking in a pizza oven is not as difficult as you think. Now you can try your hand at pizza oven cooking with the above mentioned information on how to cook in a pizza oven and what to cook in a pizza oven.
Remember that the key here is to remain creative and improvise with whatever ingredients you can get your hands on – if you really want to, you can use even pita bread or something similar to make pizzas yourself!
You can also try out some other recipes that we have provided in order to get ideas for dishes which might work well when cooked inside a pizza oven – remember though that cooking times may vary slightly so ensure that you keep an eye on things while they cook before removing them from the heat entirely. Enjoy!
Conclusion on How To Cook In A Pizza Oven
If you’re looking for more than just a way to cook pizza, then consider investing in a pizza oven. You’ll be able to use your new oven not only for pizzas but also anything else that needs an intense blast of heat like meats and vegetables.
Cooking in a pizza oven can be for more than just pizzas. With the right knowledge about how to cook in a pizza oven and some creativity, you’ll find that it’s easy to cook your favorite dishes without heating up your whole kitchen.
From grilled cheese sandwiches to homemade meatballs, there are plenty of options when cooking with a pizza oven. If you’re considering adding this appliance into your home or business but don’t know where to start, we hope this post has helped give you an idea!
The benefits of pizza oven cooking are endless. You can cook pizzas, burgers, vegetables, and more without having to turn on your stovetop or grill outside- so you save money and time! The recipes we’ve provided are great starting points if this is the first time you have cooked with one or if it’s been a while since you have used yours.
Now that you know how to cook in a pizza oven, it’s time for the fun part. This post has provided some great tips for using your new pizza oven to cook more than just pizzas and we hope it will give you plenty of ideas for experimenting with this versatile kitchen appliance. Try out these recipes and don’t forget to share them with us on social media!
If you have any additional questions about how to use your pizza oven or what to cook in a pizza oven, please leave us a comment below! We look forward to hearing from you and seeing all the delicious food pictures on social media as well.
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