How To Sharpen A Pizza Cutter? Best Way & Instruction
Pizza cutters are a kitchen essential for those who enjoy homemade pizza.
However, over time the blades can go dull and need to be sharpened.
In this blog post, we will show you the most effective way to sharpen a pizza cutter using a simple household item.
We will also provide a detailed guide on how to sharpen a pizza cutter for perfect output.
So whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, read on for tips on how to get your pizza cutter back into shape!
Description of the pizza cutter
Before you get started, it’s important to understand the differences between a traditional pizza cutter and an actual cheese slicer. The biggest difference is that the blade on a cheese slicer is smooth.
On the other hand, pizza cutters have ridges across the blade in order to help grip the toppings while cutting through them in one quick motion.
The ridges also help move ingredients that do not easily slice apart off of the blades.
Beyond this, there are several different types of pizza cutters which can be used with various results depending upon their construction and design features.
The most common type of pizza cutter has two wheels connected by a metal rod, along with a handle for holding onto when in use. Cheese slicers also come with two wheels, but they are uniform in size.
How to Sharpen a Pizza Cutter Using a Nail File
Materials Needed:
- A nail file with an abrasive surface (such as 220 grit)
- A cloth
- A can of compressed air or desiccant dusters
- Sandpaper
- Half-circle devices that are used for sharpening knives may also be useful during this process.
- A round metal rod can also be used in place of half-circle devices if you would prefer not to purchase one.

The easiest way to sharpen the blades on your pizza cutter is by using an abrasive nail file .
Using short strokes, run the nail file over the blade’s existing ridges starting at the base and working your way toward the tip.
While the blade itself does not need to be moved side-to-side during this process, you can do so if you wish.
Proceed with caution as the sharpening process will slightly dull the blades on your pizza cutter at first.
People often make the mistake of moving back and forth too quickly which results in blade damage rather than a sharp edge .
Make sure that you are holding onto both ends of your pizza cutter tightly before beginning.
Once finished, wipe off any residual dust from the nail file’s abrasive surface using a cloth before inserting it into one of the slots on your pizza cutter to ensure it doesn’t get trapped inside after use.
If desired, you can also spray compressed air or use desiccant dusters in order to remove any dust that remains on the blades.
How to Sharpen a Pizza Cutter Using Sandpaper
Materials Needed:
- A few sheets of sandpaper in varying grits (such as 80, 220 and 400)
- A cloth for removing dust afterwards
- Half-circle devices or round metal rods can also be used during this process.
If using half-circle devices, you will need an index card in order to prevent them from sliding around while sharpening your pizza cutter’s blade. A couple rubber bands may also come in handy during this process.

A more traditional and technical approach to sharpening the blades on your pizza cutter is by using sandpaper . You can buy sets of sanding sponges which contain various grades of paper for this purpose at most hardware stores.
Start by wetting the lower-grit sheet of sandpaper, which is usually 80 or 100. This helps prevent any accidental scratching during this process .
Dip the sheet of sandpaper into a small bucket of water before gently rubbing it against your pizza cutter’s blade in circular motions until it becomes smooth.
Repeat this step for each progressively higher-grit paper if desired.
Once finished, wipe off any excess moisture from the surface using a damp cloth before inserting one of the half-circle devices into an open slot on your pizza cutter to ensure that it doesn’t get trapped inside after use.
You can also spray compressed air or use desiccant dusters to remove any residual dust if you don’t want to waste the water.
After you’ve finished sharpening your pizza cutter using either method, make sure that you remove any dust left over from either process by wiping it down with a damp cloth before inserting one of the half-circle devices into an open slot on your pizza cutter to ensure it doesn’t get trapped inside after use.
You can also spray compressed air or use desiccant duster s as well if you don’t want to waste the water.
Proper care and maintenance of your pizza cutter will help extend its life and keep it running smoothly for years to come.
Why you should sharpen Pizza Cutter?
Have a look at a dull or blunt Pizza cutter! You will be able to see the difference in the following picture.
A sharp cutting wheel of a pizza cutter gives you smooth and clean slices.
Also, you won’t need to put much efforts while slicing through that dough or cheese.
On contrary, when you use a dull blade, it will lead to an uneven cut and messier slices along with more laborious work for you!
So, if your old pizza cutter is not performing well, it’s time to replace it with a new one and bring back those beautiful thin & neat pizza slices in your life.
Now we come to the point: how do we know whether our cutting wheel the pizza cutter has turned blunt?
Well, it’s quite simple. All you need to do is run a finger across the surface of the blade and see whether you can feel any burs or burrs (thin metal projections due to wire cutting). If yes, then it’s time for pizza cutter sharpening.
Pizza Cutter Sharpening Methods
There are mainly two methods of sharpening; by Hand & Machine . Let us discuss each in detail!
1) How To Sharpen A Pizza Cutter Using A Whetstone?
This method requires practice and patience to get an even bevel angle on your cutting wheel. However, if done correctly this can give your dull blade a very good edge within few minutes.
But make sure you use the right kind of whetstone for this purpose. A ceramic whetstone is recommended because it can sharpen any type of blades without developing rust.

Also, its coarse to medium grits are capable enough to work on thick steel parts, open knives or rusted parts with minimum efforts .
To get started with this method, first give your pizza cutter an initial grind using a bench grinder by following the same angle as other metal tools.
This process will make sure that you get an even angle along the entire length of cutting wheel. Then you need to follow these steps:
Step 1 : Find The Right Angle And Set Up Your Work Space
Adjust your position in such a way that when you hold your Pizza Cutter vertically while sharpening , the cutting wheel is in contact with stone at about 20 – 30 degree angle.
Step 2 : Setting Up Coarse Grit Side Of The Whetstone
We are using a dual sided whetstone for this purpose,so pour some water onto it’s coarse grit side. And then start applying equal pressure while drawing the blade towards you in one motion.
Tip: If you are not able to get your blade sharpened evenly, don’t worry!
You can use that same process again by rotating the Pizza Cutter 90 degrees and repeating steps 1 & 2 .
For left handed users, make sure you rotate the pizza cutter along with the stone during sharpening process.
Step 3 : Switching To Medium Grit Side
If your blade is still not sharp or it’s taking too much time to get that smooth edge on your blade, Switch to the medium grit side of your whetstone.
Just pour some water on top of the stone and repeat the same process while using medium pressure this time.
Step 4 : Applying Last Finish On Coarse Side
Now comes the last part. Pour water onto the coarse side of your whetstone and run your blade across it while applying light pressure in a radiating motion .
2) How To Sharpen A Pizza Cutter Using Electric Sharpener?
Using an electric knife sharpener is another method for sharpening a dull pizza cutter. The good thing about this method is that you will get professionally re-sharpened edges within minutes.
All you have to do is just take your Pizza Cutter, place it on the designated hones of electric knife sharpener and let the machine do its job!

If your unit does not come with a built-in stone, you can also use it as an alternative option for whetstones (see above).
Now You Know How To Sharpen A Pizza Cutter! Go ahead and try out one of these methods to get those beautiful thin slices back in your life. Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave comments below and don’t forget to share this article with all pizza lovers around you!
i This method requires practice and patience but can give your dull blade a very good edge within few minutes.
ii A ceramic whetstone is recommended because it can sharpen any type of blades without developing rust and its coarse to medium grits are capable enough to work on thick steel parts, open knives or rusted parts with minimum efforts .
iii One more thing you must always remember is that whetstones need water while sharpening Pizza Cutter.
So make sure you pour some water onto the stone before starting the process!
All images used in this article belong to their respective owners and we claim no credit for them except for reducing their size.
Ways to sharpen Pizza Cutter blade
(These methods should also work on any other type of blade such as a knife, scissor or lawn mower blade. )
The blade is the only part of the pizza cutter that actually gets used and it can become dull with use.
Pizza cutters are designed to be easy to take apart and repair – there’s usually one screw holding the handle together and another screw holding the blade in place.

Remove these screws and discard them (you don’t want someone slipping and falling on your discarded screws).
Some models need their halves spread apart slightly to detach the two parts while others just pull apart.
Once you’ve separated the two halves, put them back together without the screws so they’re easier to hold onto as you sharpen the blade.
Sharpening: There are a number of ways to sharpen a pizza cutter and this is one that was shared with us by someone who used this method successfully.
Hold the blade at the very edge so it’s pointing away from you as much as possible, now gently run your fingers back and forth across the entire length of the blade (you may want to hold onto both halves so they don’t slip out of your hands).
This should result in little or no ‘wire’ left on your sharpening stone – if there’s still wire, try again until you’re satisfied with the results.
Electric knife sharpener
- If you have an electric knife sharpener then position the pizza cutter inside it and bring it up to speed.
- Use care not to damage or scratch the sharpener, use it only on the side with no wire and for no more than one pizza cutter blade at a time.
Bench Grinder
- If you have access to a bench grinder then put the blade in securely (so it won’t fall out) and gently run the edge across the spinning tool.
- Use great care that your hands don’t get caught up in/touching/near any part of this machine when it’s running!
Dremel Tool
- If you have access to a Dremel rotary tool or similar type of small electric motor which is intended for cutting hard material like metal, ceramic, glass etc., then use it much like you would an electric knife sharpener.
Manually Sharpening
If you have no electric tools then there’s still hope for you! There are several ways to manually sharpen the cutter blade without electricity, assuming that your blade is made of metal.
Hold the blade at the very edge so it’s pointing away from you as much as possible, now gently run your fingers back and forth across the entire length of the blade (you may want to hold onto both halves so they don’t slip out of your hands).
This should result in little or no ‘wire’ left on your sharpening stone – if there’s still wire, try again until you’re satisfied with the results.
– Use a piece of fine sandpaper on a flat surface (like an old mouse pad) and run the blade back and forth across it just like you would if using a sharpening stone.
– Use a small round file to smooth the teeth of your cutter – place it flat on any flat surface, hold the blade down with one hand so it doesn’t move, then run the file firmly along each tooth until it’s smooth (repeat until satisfied).
Replacing the Blade
Once you’ve done your best to sharpen up your cutter you need to reassemble it.
Before replacing the blade you’ll want to test out how well it cuts before screwing anything into place (you don’t want to go through all that work only to find that your newly sharpened blade won’t cut a piece of paper!
Once you’ve tested it out and confirmed that you’re pleased with the results, attach the blade back onto each half of the pizza cutter.
Then put your screws back in place and tighten them to fasten everything into its proper position.
If you didn’t end up replacing your original screws then they’d most likely work just fine too but I don’t recommend using them if they have a chance of coming loose while being used.
A few notes about safety:
🚫 Make sure children stay well clear when running any machine or tool – whether it’s a sharpening method or a power-driven machine, no one under 18 should be allowed anywhere near it .
It doesn’t matter who is doing the actual sharpening/powering up, children should still be nowhere near.
🚫 All power tools are heavy and hard with sharp metal edges – if you’re using one it’s always better to err on the side of keeping your hands as far away from them as possible .
This includes the pizza cutter itself too! Make sure that nothing touches you while you’re working with any tool, even things that feel like they shouldn’t cause problems (like reaching under something like a bench grinder!)
🚫 A bench grinder is perhaps the riskiest power tool of all for this particular job – make absolutely certain that it isn’t turned on before placing anything inside of its device (except for the protective wire wheel guard) .
Turn it on only after everything else has been properly attached and secured.
🚫 Sharp blades are very dangerous no matter what method you use to get them that way – it’s important to be extremely careful when handling the blade of any cutting tool, this goes for a sharpened pizza cutter too!
Always handle your knife by holding on to one of its two halves rather than the blade itself if at all possible. This will minimize how much of a risk there is of cutting yourself while using it.
Always cut away from yourself whenever possible and never lurch or jerk around while you’re using a sharp cutter!
12 Tips for keeping your pizza cutter sharp and in good working order.
1. Always wash your hands before handling the pizza cutter when preparing to use or clean it. A sharp blade can cut you just as easily as a piece of cheese that’s about to be sliced.
2. If you have tried and tried to sharpen your pizza cutter with household tools and nothing seems to work, take it to your local hardware store they should be able to help you get what will work for it at a reasonable price.
You may also wish to see if they will sharpen it while you wait so you won’t have to try again later on your own; this alone may make the trip worth-while!
3. Never leave any bits of food inside your pizza cutter like tomato pieces, etc. if you do not intend to clean it immediately after using it.
This can cause corrosion inside the pizza cutter, ruining its effectiveness until properly cleaned out.
4. If you are storing your pizza cutter for long periods of time, make sure to take off all bits of food or other matter that may have gotten stuck inside while you were using it and store in a dry place away from work surfaces so no one gets hurt by falling on your counter top or cutting themselves with the open blades when trying to find something else!
5. Never just throw your pizza cutter into a drawer full of utensils where anything could get tangled up in its blade causing injury when trying to pull out!
Store it either at eye-level so you are aware of where it is when reaching for it or in a place where no one can accidentally grab hold of the blade and be injured.
6. Be sure to remember your pizza cutter wherever you use it whether at home, work, school, etc. If you take care of your pizza cutter it will last longer than if you just let it be wherever and whenever it falls out of your hands onto the ground or floor!
This way everyone is safe and sound and no one gets hurt by picking up an unknown item that may have cut them if they were not paying attention.
7. Avoid using household cleaners on your pizza cutter as this could corrode its effectiveness and even cause injury if using harsh chemicals similar to those that would be found in oven cleaners.
Instead wash your pizza cutter with water and mild dish soap if it is small enough to fit into the sink or a bottle brush type cleaner if not.
Either way you need to make sure to get all of the grime out from between its blades so none will fall off later on and cut someone!
8. Always check your pizza cutter’s blade for damage before using, even though you may have thought it was fine because nothing looked out of place at first look.
If anything looks bent, dented, or otherwise damaged that could affect performance never use it until properly checked by a professional who knows what they’re doing! A sharp knife can just as easily slice through flesh as well as cheese!
9. If you have a family or other people in your home, try not to use the same pizza cutter for everyone even if it does look like someone else washed it after finishing with it! Instead buy several just-for-home use and mark them with different colored tape to easily keep track of who gets which one.
This way no one is accidentally cutting themselves by grabbing an unknown sharp item that may be hiding out in a drawer to anyone’s knowledge!
10. Always remember when trying to cut using your pizza cutter: make sure you are steady and secure before attempting any kind of large or small cut, especially if you need more than one hand free while doing so already; make sure the area where you wish to cut has been secured or is free of any items that may be knocked off or moved by accident; and most importantly, always keep your fingers out of the way so you do not get cut!
11. When cutting something large like a pizza, do not try to push down with all your might while cutting because this starts getting dangerous when trying to make quick slices like small cubes or shreds for things like salads!
Instead use one hand on the handle and another bracing against the blade while turning it across the item in front of you; never press hard into an item that requires more than two hands or does not have some sort of counter top underneath where it’s at!
12. If you are having trouble slicing up larger goods like pies, crusts, or anything else that is hard to cut with a pizza cutter because it keeps sliding around on the counter top try using some parchment paper underneath!
While trying to hold down larger items can be difficult at times the added friction of the paper will keep things from slipping away uncontrollably.
What are some alternatives if you don’t have a pizza cutter or want to buy one with sharper blades?
1. You can make your own pizza cutters out of scrap metal like tin cans, old pots and pans, or anything similar to it you may have lying around!
Just be careful not to burn yourself with hot metal if you are using items that have been sitting in the sun for a long time already because they will get even hotter on thinner edges due to being exposed more directly to sunlight or any other kind of heat source.
2. If you have some extra cash but do not want to waste it on an item so simple as a pizza cutter then your best option is probably just buying whichever brand seems most effective at cutting for what you need .
This way you are spending your money on something more important rather than an item you only use once in a blue moon or so!
3. If all else fails and you still think you need a pizza cutter to cut things like pizzas and pies but do not want to spend the money to buy one then there is also the option of using scissors or clippers depending on what will work best for your needs .
These can be either manual or electric depending again on which you prefer, how often you plan on using them, and what will work best with your current lifestyle.
Please note: Do NOT try using another kind of grinder like a mortar and pestle if you cannot find anything else nearby as they are quite dangerous when used improperly!
I hope this helps anyone who has been having trouble cutting. Thanks for stopping by and don’t forget to like this post if you found it helpful!
FAQs related to Sharpen Pizza Cutter
Do pizza cutters get dull?
Yes, pizza cutters can get dull. They need to be sharpened regularly using the stone in your knife kit.
Can I use my pizza cutter on hard cheeses?
No, you should never put any pressure on the blade when cutting cheese or anything else really for that matter.
What’s the best way to clean a pizza slicer?
The best way is to wipe it clean with a damp cloth and then dry it straight away. Never wash your cutter in water or put it in a dishwasher!
What if my pizza cutter doesn’t have a guard?
A good quality cutter will come with its own guard but if not we recommend buying one especially designed just for this purpose such as this model .
Will left handed people have trouble using a pizza cutter?
No, there is no need to worry. The handle on the left side means that it can be held and used by right handed people as well as left handed people.
Can I use a pizza cutter for other things apart from cutting pizzas?
If you have an artful hand then why not! We’ve seen them used to cut out sandwiches, pancakes, quiche and anything else that needs cutting into equal portions.
Can I buy pizza cutter that has blades which are completely detachable?
Yes, the most popular brands all make cutters with detachable blades. Be aware though that even these can still get very sharp so take extra care when washing or storing them!
What is the best kind of pizza cutter for commercial use?
The more heavy duty your pizza rocker looks, the better it will be for slicing through multiple pizzas every day. The size and handle design are also important elements to consider when making your purchase.
You may want to check out our article on commercial dough mixers and commercial pizza ovens here too! As always you should contact the manufacturer directly if you need advice on which model is best for your restaurant.
Are there any safety precautions I should take when using a pizza cutter?
Yes, always make sure that you are washing your tools by hand rather than putting them in a dishwasher where they can’t be properly inspected.
It’s also important to keep an eye on how sharp the blade is so sharpen it regularly!
We recommend buying a guard too as this will protect both your hands and countertops from accidents. Also never put pressure on the blade or try to cut something that is too tough for your cutter.
Can I use a pizza cutter on non-stick pans?
Yes, however it is not recommended and if you do then please be careful – these blades can scratch your pans.
If it does happen don’t worry though, the damage will only be cosmetic so it’s not worth worrying about in the long run!
Although if you do have a damaged non stick pan you may want to consider replacing it with one of our high quality range such as this one .
Who is the inventor of pizza cutter?
Luigi Malony is credited with inventing the first pizza cutter in 1933. He was an Italian immigrant who moved to New York City with his wife Sarina Castellano.
With Luigi’s father being a blacksmith he taught Sarina how to handcraft metal tools including knives which they would sell at their store in Little Italy.
Later in the 20th century, pizzas started to be cut using stainless steel wire with wooden handles.
What foods can a pizza cutter make?
Pizza cutters can make pizzas, sandwiches, pasta noodles, quesadillas, fruit salads and much more.
Why is a pizza cutter round?
Pizza cutters are round because that’s how pizzas are traditionally served. They’re round so that there is no sharp edge where the pizza can be hurt if dropped on the floor.
What other shapes can a pizza cutter come in?
You may have seen square, half-moon and even rectangular pizza cutters but they all function exactly the same as the circular ones – it’s just their design that make them different.
You may also notice cutters with teddy bears, Christmas motifs or cartoon characters on them which are designed to appeal to children.
These don’t generally work any better than standard cutters but will hold up much better against smaller children who might not understand about taking care of kitchen equipment!
Final words about How To Sharpen A Pizza Cutter
So now you got the point for your question “How to sharpen a pizza cutter for perfect output?”
The most effective way to sharpen pizza cutter is by using an abrasive material such as diamond stones or sharpening steel.
If you want the best results, it’s important that your blade is clean and dry before going through this process. A little bit of water on the stone will make things easier but too much can damage the metal over time.
Remember to wipe off any excess liquid from your blade after each pass with a towel so there isn’t a build up of moisture between passes.
This may take some trial and error in order to find what works for you but we hope these tips help if you’re looking for ways to fix dull blades without buying new ones!
If you are looking for the best way to sharpen pizza cutter, read on. We have compiled some of the most effective ways that will save you time and money while doing so.
For each step in our guide, we provide detailed instructions with images to help make it easier for you. Hopefully this information is helpful!
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