Pizza Sizes: Ordering Guide (Slices, Servings, & Total Size)

Did you know that a 14-inch pizza contains 4x more pizza than a 7-inch pizza?

A 14-inch pizza has 154 square inches, whereas a 7-inch pizza has just 38 square inches.

Crazy, right?

I’m a bit of a pizza enthusiast (hence why I started the blog), but even I had a hard time keeping the different pizza sizes straight. Plus, I got tired of doing the math every time to see how much pizza I would be getting with each size. So I made myself a pizza size chart and stuck it to my fridge.

My pizza size chart covers how many slices, how many servings, how big different pizza sizes are, and the total number of calories in each size of pizza.

Check out my chart below:

Pizza Size Chart

Before reading the chart, keep these things in mind:

  • Pizza sizes are not universal. While most restaurants use these figures, not all do (especially the local shops).
  • The number of calories is an estimate and based on a pepperoni pizza.
  • If you have a hungry crowd, opt to order more pizza.

Without further ado, here’s my pizza size chart:

SizeInchesServingsSlicesTotal SizeTotal Calories
Specialty / Personal7 inch1 adult4 slices38 square inches539 calories
Specialty / Personal8 inch1 adult4 slices50 square inches704 calories
Specialty / Personal9 inch1 adult4 slices64 square inches891 calories
Small10 inch1-2 adults4 slices79 square inches1,100 calories
Medium12 inch2-3 adults6 slices113 square inches1,583 calories
Large14 inch3-4 adults8 slices154 square inches2,155 calories
Extra Large16 inch3-5 adults10 slices201 square inches2,815 calories
Jumbo18 inch4-6 adults12 slices254 square inches3,563 calories

Remember, even though the diameter of each size is only slightly different, the total amount of pizza you’re getting from each additional size up is very different.

To calculate the size of any pizza, use this formula: π x r²

  • r = radius = diameter / 2
  • π = pi = 3.14159

To calculate the total size of a 10-inch pizza, we take the radius of 5 (10 / 2), square it to make 25 (5 x 5), then multiply it by 3.14159 to give us a total area of 79 square inches.

The rest of the article will break down pizza sizes by area, number of slices, and number of servings.

Pizza Sizes (By Total Area)

How Big Is a Personal Pizza? (How Big Is a Specialty Pizza)?

A personal pizza will have a diameter of 7, 8, or 9 inches depending on where you order it from. You can expect it to be cut into 4 slices and will have 38.5 square inches, 50 square inches, or 64 square inches depending on if you order a 7-, 8-, or 9-inch pizza.

How Big Is a Small Pizza?

A small pizza has a diameter of 10 inches and will contain 79 square inches of pizza.

How Big Is a Medium Pizza?

A medium pizza has a diameter of 12 inches and has 113 square inches of pizza.

How Big Is a Large Pizza?

A large pizza has a diameter of 14 inches and will contain 154 square inches of pizza.

How Big Is an Extra Large Pizza?

An extra large pizza has a diameter of 16 inches and has 201 square inches of pizza.

How Big Is a Jumbo Pizza? (How Big Is a Party Pizza?)

A jumbo pizza, which won’t be available from most restaurants, has a diameter of 18 inches and will contain 254 square inches of pizza.

Number of Slices in a Pizza (Pizza Size Comparison)

Different pizza sizes have different numbers of slices and different areas per slice. I’ll compare pizza sizes by both of these factors.

Number of Slices in a Personal Pizza

A personal / pan / specialty pizza has 4 slices, regardless of whether it is a 7-, 8-, or 9-inch pizza.

A personal pizza will have 10, 13, or 16 square inches of pizza per slice.

Number of Slices in a Small Pizza

A small pizza typically has 4 slices, but will sometimes come in 6 slices.

A small pizza will have 20 square inches of pizza per slice.

Number of Slices in a Medium Pizza

A medium pizza has 6 slices.

A medium pizza will have 19 square inches of pizza per slice.

Number of Slices in a Large Pizza

A large pizza has 8 slices.

A large pizza will have 19 square inches of pizza per slice.

Number of Slices in an Extra Large Pizza

An extra large pizza has 10 slices.

An extra large pizza will have 20 square inches of pizza per slice.

Number of Slices in a Jumbo Pizza

A jumbo pizza has 12 slices.

A jumbo pizza will have 21 square inches of pizza per slice.

Servings per Pizza (Pizza Size Comparison)

The number of servings in a pizza can vary a lot based on the number of toppings, the taste, and how hungry the eaters are.

For the sake of this article, 1 serving will equate to the amount an average adult can eat comfortably in one sitting. If you have children, you can consider 3 of them being equal to 2 adults.

How Many People Can a Personal Pizza Serve?

A personal pizza serves 1 adult or 2 (small) children.

How Many People Can a Small Pizza Serve?

A small pizza can serve 1-2 adults or 2-3 children.

How Many People Can a Medium Pizza Serve?

A medium pizza can serve 2-3 adults or 3-4 children.

How Many People Can a Large Pizza Serve?

A large pizza can serve 3-4 adults or 5-6 children.

How Many People Can an Extra Large Pizza Serve?

An extra large pizza can serve 3-5 adults or 5-8 children.

How Many People Can a Jumbo Pizza Serve?

A jumbo pizza can serve 4-6 adults or 6-9 children.

Other Factors to Consider When Ordering Pizza

Before you place your next order, there are a few more things you should keep in mind:

  • Will there be appetizers, salad, fruit, or dessert? The more side dishes, the less pizza you will need.
  • Will there be drinks (soda, beer, juice)? Drinks will decrease appetites.
  • Is it good pizza? The better the pizza tastes, the more of it will be eaten.
  • Are you getting pepperoni or something with a lot of toppings? The greater the number of toppings, the smaller the servings.
  • Do you want leftovers? I love leftover pizza, so I err on the side of ordering too much.

That’s a wrap on my pizza sizes and pizza size comparisons!

Now, let’s order some pizza!

Pizza Ordering Guide (Adults)

When ordering pizza, you will get the best value for ordering the largest sizes (it’s cheaper to order 1 extra large than it is to order 2 mediums, even though the total amount of pizza is usually the same).

I’m also going to assume your pizza joint offers extra large (16-inch) pizzas as its largest size and that there will be no appetizers.

How many pizzas for 5 people?

You should order 1 extra large pizza for 5 people.

How many pizzas for 8 people?

You should order 2 extra large pizzas for 8 people.

How many pizzas for 15 people?

You should order 3-4 extra large pizzas for 15 people.

How many pizzas for 20 people?

You should order 4-5 extra large pizzas for 20 people.

How many pizzas for 30 people?

You should order 6-8 extra large pizzas for 30 people.

How many pizzas for 40 people?

You should order 8-10 extra large pizzas for 40 people.

Pizza Ordering Guide (Kids)

How many pizzas for 5 kids?

You should order 1 large pizza for 5 kids.

How many pizzas for 8 kids?

You should order 2 large pizzas for 8 kids.

How many pizzas for 15 kids?

You should order 2-3 extra large pizzas for 15 kids.

How many pizzas for 20 kids?

You should order 3-4 extra large pizzas for 20 kids.

How many pizzas for 30 kids?

You should order 4-6 extra large pizzas for 30 kids.

How many pizzas for 40 kids?

You should order 6-8 extra large pizzas for 40 kids.

FAQs - Pizza Sizes

What are standard pizza sizes?

Small pizzas are 10 inches in diameter and serve 1-2 adults, medium pizzas are 12 inches in diameter and serve 2-3 adults, large pizzas are 14 inches in diameter and serve 3-4 adults, and extra large pizzas are 16 inches in diameter and serve 3-5 adults.

Is a 16 inch pizza bigger than 2 12 inch?

No, a 16-inch pizza has a total area of 201 square inches, whereas each 12-inch pizza has a total area of 113 square inches. 2 12-inch pizzas has a total of 226 square inches of pizza, compared to a 16-inch pizza's 201 square inches.

How big is a 16 inch pizza?

A 16-inch pizza has a total area of 201 square inches, has 10 slices, serves 3-5 adults, and is typically referred to as an extra large pizza.

What size pizza for 4 adults?

4 adults should order a large (14 inch) pizza unless 2 or more of them are extremely hungry, in which case they should order an extra large (16 inch) pizza.